Sunday, September 3, 2023

Treatment of Sepsis

Sepsis is usually treated in an intensive care unit. Specialists in many fields may be involved. Depending on the stage of the illness and the organs involved treatment varies. The first step is
stabilizing the damaged organs.

Sepsis moves fast so treatment must too. Usually it starts with oxygen and antibiotics. If the source of the original infection is known, appropriate antibiotics can be started. If unknown, then several will be used. In my case I was intubated even though I was breathing on my own. The ehrlichiosis hadn’t been diagnosed yet so they were giving me four to six different antibiotics to try and stop the infection.

Then came the tests and scans. It was determined that my kidneys had failed so they started dialysis. Because my liver was failing I had severe anemia. That had to be addressed The doctors wanted to do a lumbar puncture but my platelets were too low so first they gave me platelet transfusions. I was having  seizures so they had me on continuous brain scans to watch them. They continued for five days and lasted from 20 to 40 minutes each. The neurologist started anti seizure drugs. My heart was beating fast and began to have irregular beats so the cardiologist began heart meds. Then there were the blood tests.

They tested for everything and the infectious disease doctor sent off a blood culture that finally showed what they were all looking for, the cause of the infection ….ehrlichiosis. That damn tick bite.

My hand and arm bruises from all the needles.

As I was still unconscious thru all this I had all sorts of tubes and wires keeping my body functioning. Once ehrlichiosis was discovered they started doxycycline and I soon came out of the coma. Then I made some good attempts at removing the feeding tube and oxygen. I’m told the nurses and I had some battles about that. After two weeks in ICU, I was finally transferred to a room in the general hospital to rest and start the long recovery.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sure your husband was falling apart while all this was going on, when you said you were unconscious through all this, that means he had to make decisions. After reading all of your story that fell on you from a tick bite, i think we need a POA and the one that gives each other the right to decide. About doing the mowing and helping, my husband had a stroke in 2007 and went through a lot the year after. he is 5 weeks away from 87 and i have to do things I never did. to keep up, I have exercises i do for 10 minutes every morning to keep my legs going. i have neuropathy in legs/arms but the blood flow from the exercises I got from therapy keep me going, that and walking the dog. if i ever stopped that would be it. Beau gives me the desire to fight to do what is needed. I love that dog

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

What a nightmare for you and your familly. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you have a long string of healthy years in front of you. Shining a light on this terrible condition will help others.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Like everyone, I'm just grateful they were able to diagnose your illness and you responded to the treatment that came just in time -- A true miracle and answers to so many prayers. I hope you feel better every day, and I hope you know you are loved and treasured here in the blogging community. ❤❤❤

ZOOLATRY said...

As I read your story, and all you've gone through and continue to go through, I am now wondering what other "events" can cause sepsis. In your case, it began with a tick bite, but perhaps you can address other possibilities that one should be aware of that may bring this about. It is so very frightening to realize how life threatening it is, and yet how it seems to be such a mystery to medical professionals in terms of treatment, at least initially.