Thursday, August 14, 2008

Becoming Seaworthy

The mail lady left this box on our porch. I knew what was inside, but our fuzzy friends were in for a surprise.

Our friend J has invited some of the Water Dogs to come out on the boat and go swimming with Splash and Gracie. Being water dogs, they should be able to swim, but they've never been around large bodies of water like a lake or an ocean, so I felt we needed to take proper precautions and follow good boat safety rules. I ordered a couple of life jackets.

These large orange items attracted a lot of attention.

What do you think they are?

Do you think they're big chew toys?

I asked for a volunteer to model. None came forward, so I drafted Fudge.

What a handsome boy.

Samba tried one on before her haircut.

Morgan had to model, too.

Samba had a very short haircut, much shorter than usual, due to her new habit of rolling in a patch of burrs.

We had to postpone our visit to the lake last week for several reasons. Samba and Morgan each had infections in their toes. Fudge had an ear infection and then Lucy got sick. We will reschedule soon. When we go we will be ready with our safety vests. Now, don't forget the towels.


  1. Great pics!!! :-) They are just perfect models.

  2. LOL! I loved the faces of each model!
    What fun they will have when they get to go to the lake all ready in their safety gear.
    I hope your guys get well soon!
