Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We're Green

The pictures taken over the winter and early spring would lead one to believe that we live in a desert area. The back yard is all brown and arid looking. From the amount of dust and mud the dogs brought in the house, I was beginning to think we should put astro turf down, but look at it now.

We're green!!

Except for a small area near the house that gets a little too much foot traffic, we now have a mostly green yard. There is very little grass, mostly weeds and unknown vegetation, but it's the right color and it keeps the soil anchored to the rocks.

It actually gets mowed, though the area near the rock pile is quite wild and tall. Due to the nasty little green burrs that grow there, Rob has to cut it down by hand. Last year I combed burrs out of Bailey's face three times in one day. She was so busy hunting around the rocks that she couldn't avoid them.

Here are some more of the pretty little flowering plants that make up our yard. Clover. My neighbor goes out and sprays any clover he sees popping up in his perfectly manicured lawn. I say "Come on, clover, bring it on". It's pretty, it's a good strong ground cover and it brings bees and butterflies and rabbits. Who wouldn't like clover?

We have one lone little daisy. I guess a bird planted it for us. With any luck it will spread and bring some relatives back next year.

Buttercups. I remember picking these when I was a little girl and bringing them home to my Grandmother. They're bright and cheerful.

When we were at the zoo the other day I noticed the beautiful Iris that were growing there. I like Iris, they're exotic looking and have such a wonderful array of color. Here are some of them.

These may have been my favorites. I love this deep purple color.

I couldn't get close to these.

This is a pretty combination of purple and pink with a little orange thrown in.

Notice the fly on this blue one?

This is so pretty and delicate looking. I'm always attracted to variegated plants.

The clematis at the zoo is flowering, too. My clematis is just about two feet high and starting to bud. Today Rob is going to put some wire on the trellis for it to grab onto. Last year we didn't do it and the vines just fell over onto the ground. It was a mess.

We've had a lot of rain lately, so everything is wonderfully green. I hope it remains that way through the summer.


  1. Looks great. I love the look of grass at its greenest. Those are some pretty flowers, too.

  2. Talk about natural beauty! I love it. I am very fond of the "weed" flowers. I like volunteer violets too.

  3. what an incredible difference. lovely.

  4. Wow! What a good eye you have behind the camera. Love how green your lawn/weeds - dog yard is. We're working to get ours green just to help cut down on the mud. g

  5. How beautiful. Isn't green just lovely.
