Monday, September 7, 2009

A Long Weekend

Our long weekend is coming to an end. It was very relaxing. After the big rain on Friday, the temperatures stayed pleasant for the next three days and we had a chance to enjoy the yard.

When I opened the blinds in the dining room Saturday morning, I saw this Cardinal dad feeding his chick. We've been making sure that there's plenty of bird seed on the porch and deck for all the flying visitors that we've been getting.

Our most recent visitor has decided to make this her new home, at least temporarily. Here she is resting outside the dining room window where we can watch her as we have breakfast.

When we take the dogs into the back yard, she follows us. She seems interested in all the canine activity in the yard while keeping a safe distance. She sits on the deck rail for hours watching the neighborhood.

When she gets tired, she snuggles into a corner of the window and has a little nap. She has been a delight to have in the yard and we hope she decides to stay with us.

We played ball a lot this weekend. It's Sky's favorite game and most of the others enjoy chasing whatever we throw for them.

Tsar says you won't catch him chasing any ball. That's for those silly water dogs. He's much too dignified for that stuff.

All the girls got their hair trimmed around their faces and on their tails this weekend. Now you can see Norma jean's eyes.

Bailey needed a trim, too. She wiggled and squirmed all the while I was trimming her. We need to work on teaching that girl some patience.

Saturday Rob built a fire in the chiminea. It was nice to sit on the swing and watch the flames. We needed some marshmallows.

I'm pleased that I have finally started knitting again. For weeks I couldn't seem to get into it, but here are the stacking cats I finished for my niece for Christmas.

They were fun to make and I'm pleased with the way they turned out. Now I'm starting my raffle project. I'll let you see it when it's done.


  1. Love the knitted cats! Looks like you guys had a great weekend.

  2. So glad you have had a nice weekend. I love the stacking cats. What a terrific present for a young one. Hmmm, I know a few older ones who enjoy that pattern.

  3. Looks like you have a new friend! :)
    What a great idea, those kittens are so cute!
    Rufus and Indie

  4. All in all, it sounds like a pretty good weekend. Those stacking cats are quite nice.

    Woos, the OP Pack

  5. Your little birds are adorable. Mack won't play with tennis ball either, Tsar.
    Sally Ann

  6. The Stacking cats are darling! I snuck away and looked for them on the 'net (hoping!) and there they were, I could down load the pattern for $5 Paypal and did!

    So thanks for showing us this cutie!

    Stella's Mom

  7. My Mom got so excited about the cats, she forgot to tell you how happy she is that the beautiful Dove is staying with you. I hope she (he?) stays a long time. She will probably go somewhere warm when it gets cold, though.


  8. Your stack kitties are just adorable! Mom took her knitting to Nantucket but she didn't get much accomplished!
    We are just loving these cooler temps too!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  9. Love the cats! Looks like too much seaming for me though - I suppose like Bailey, I need some patience.

  10. WOW! I love those knitted cats... they're pawsome!

    Looks like yuo had a wonderful weekend. :)

  11. Your niece will love the stacking cats. They're cute.

  12. Your little knitted cats are adorable Sue. How wonderful that you have a beautiful white dove that has decided to call your home, her home. I wonder how long she will stay. Maybe she is facsinated by all the things that your pack gets up to.

  13. We just loved the knitted cats! You have put our mum in the mood to dig out the knitting needles! They looked so cool.
    How lovely that your white dove appears to have moved in!
    So glad you had a good weekend playing. We have had non stop rain.....
    Martha & Bailey xxxx

  14. What brand bumpy bowl does Sky use? Maybe it works better than the Brakefast bowl?

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. White dove? A good sign; you must be living right. :)

    I need to make some stacking cats, we have two nieces who'd go gaga for them...

  16. It looks like you had a relaxing weekend.

    Dog lovers and knitters seem to go together!! Our Mom is starting to mumble about getting a knitting project going.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

  17. Glad to see you knitting and those stacking cats are adorable!
    Norma Jean, you have beautiful eyes!

  18. I bought that stackable cats pattern too - aren't they cute? I have not knit them yet, though! I love yours!

  19. Looks like you all had a great weekend :)
    Hope your new friend decides to stay!
    Those stacking cats are so cute!
    See you!


  20. how wonderful to see your new lodger, normally birds will never settle where there is a dog (or few). and i am so glad you had a good weekend. sorry that rob isnt joining us this time,hopefully next, but would still love to trade some art with him...pleeese e mail me some to see. xx

  21. LOVE the stacking cats. I might have to make a set or two for my kitty-loving family members!
