Monday, December 21, 2009

A Public Apology

When I was in second grade, I guess that would be about seven years old, there was a little boy named Jimmy who 'liked' me. He was always hanging around and would stop by my house in the mornings to walk me to school. My Grandmother thought he was cute, so she welcomed him. I couldn't stand Jimmy. Even at that age I needed my space, and Jimmy crowded me.

One day not long before Christmas, Jimmy joined me and my friend Donna, uninvited, as we were chatting on the playground. He was jabbering on about Christmas and Santa, so to get rid of him I told him there was no Santa. Well, it got rid of him. He ran away crying and that was the last time he ever bothered me.

I immediately felt awful and I've remembered and regretted it to this day, decades later. Not only was I wrong to say that to Jimmy, but I was wrong.

I believe in Santa Clause.

Santa Claus represents the spirit of selfless giving. I believe in him all year, not just at Christmas. I think most dog people understand about selfless giving. It's what we receive from our animals daily. It's what makes people give their time and money to total strangers who need help. It's what brings people together after a natural disaster.

What could be better than selfless giving and unconditional love? I'm sorry, Jimmy, I was wrong. There is a Santa and I believe in him.


  1. fabulous cross-stich Sue - as always. you turn out quite the quantity and quality of lovely art.

    You are right about the self-less giving. Hope you are well. I enjoyed chatting the other day. g

  2. Those cross stitch Santas are stunning! You are so right. I believe, too. It's what Milo teaches me every day.

  3. Beautiful work.

    The spirit of Santa Claus will live on as long as we believe.

    Mom dreads the next couple of years as the two oldest grandbeans are almost six, can't be long before someone bursts their bubble.

    Woos, Phantom and Thunder

  4. What lovely cross stitch! I kinda hope Jimmy reads your blog! I remember being told the same thing and being devastated till my Dad told that some people don't believe cos they can't feel the magic.
    Glad you can.
    Have a great Xmas, we are taking a break but look forward to catching up with you in 2010.
    Best Wishes
    Martha, Bailey & Family xxx

  5. fabulous story. did you make all these pieces? they are exquisite.

  6. I love your santas, and even now, when my children are age 10 to 26, I still make them write letters to Santa. Well, the 3 oldest boys don't cooperate any more, but the rest do. Then again, the 3 oldest boys are required to be Mrs. Claus's elves on Christmas Eve, so she doesn't have to bust her back hauling stuff from the attic, where it hides. Merry Christmas, Sue and Rob.

  7. What a lovely post! The Santas are lovely. You're going to drive me to stitch again one of these days.

    Thank you for sending some Santa spirit my way. I do believe, but this year, my joy button was stuck.

  8. Your cross stitch is absolutely wonderful and my favorite (just in case you want to send him to me) is the first one, lets call him St. Nicholas since he is so elegant looking. In fact you are going to make me go find my Santa and put him up. No Santa? Not for this old lady. When you stop believing, he stops coming. Who wants that?


    Jo and Stella

  9. We just know that Jimmy forgives you! Mom says being 7 years old is not always the easiest!
    Your cross-stitch is just gorgeous - each and every one of them!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Your cross-stitch is beautiful.

    And you are so right - Santa lives in our hearts and as long as I live so will he - and I have passed this legacy on to my children - and hopefully they will pass it on (maybe someday I will have a grandchild to pass it on to.

    Merry Christmas,

  11. Those cross stitch are absolutely gorgeous and amazing!!!!

  12. Fantabulousss Cross stitch. You do a great job. Thanks for sharing & we really liked the post that went with them. Something for all of us to remember too. We can learn from our dogs/bff.
    Ernie & Sasah

  13. Hello Sue, Merry Christmas!!!!!!
    Thank-you so very much for your visit!! I love to meet new friends!!
    Your post is beautiful!! Your cross-stitch is beautiful!!! I look fordward to getting to kmow you. I tried to cross-stitch once but I couldn't see well enough. I am blind in one eye and don't see real good out of the other.
    Thanks for your visit, Fern

  14. Your collection of cross-stitch Santas is just wonderful!

  15. wow sue! Love the cross stitches. They're simply fantastic!

    I hope Jimmy read your apology ... children here don't really believe in santa although they do somewhat expect presents at christmas. My two nephews are terrified of santa (the commercial looking ones that stroll the malls) and refuse to go near the man.
