Thursday, December 17, 2009


Eight years ago today we said goodbye to Bentley. When he left he took an enormous piece of my heart with him. He was my first PWD and the reason I live with eight of them today. Samba is even named for him.

Two years earlier on December 3rd we lost Pylon and last year on December 23 Monty died. Only four months earlier we said goodbye to Lucy.

I've had pets all my life, dogs, cats, rabbits, birds and assorted other species. We all know that along with the joy of sharing our lives with an animal, the day will come when we lose them. Their lives are much too short and we somehow have to deal with it.

Many of us have had to say goodbye to a beloved pet this year, but almost all of us have faced it at one time or another.

Chan and I would like to honor the pets that have crossed the Rainbow Bridge, the recent ones and the ones who went before and took part of us with them. Starting December 27 and continuing thru December 30 we will have Rainbow Week on the Dogs-N-More blog.

We invite everyone to join us. We will post pictures, names and dates and whatever you would like to say about your pet. All types of pets are welcome. If there was an animal that meant a lot to you who belonged to a relative or friend, please include them. This is to honor the pets who were so important in our lives for whatever reasons.

You can e-mail your pictures and information to either Chan or me and we will post them in no particular order along with some poetry on those days December 27 - December 30. What better time than the last week of the year to remember those little lives that brought so much happiness into our lives?


  1. Beautiful photos, especially of your boy.

  2. I'm not sure I'll be able to cope and have more dogs. Beau is the first dog who "loves me best" so he holds my heart in his paw - but I do so love the others as well.

    Hang in there honey and don't let the sadness taint the season for you. Remember your loves with joy. (Easy for me to say - right?) g

  3. Bittersweet memories. I still smile when I think of my daughter learning to walk at 10 months old, holding on to the ear of our 6 month old Mastiff puppy. To love an animal, we must eventually face the loss. I'm glad you have so many to provide you with joy every day! And I love your rainbow photo.

  4. Sending tender thoughts to you. My gosh, winter is such a time of sorrow for you. Summer - when we should all be celebrating the sun - summer is when I have lost the loves of my life.

    Yes, we know that we will outlive them but no matter how long we have them in our lives we never, ever have all the time we want - and need.

  5. How lovely....thanks for this, especially at this time of year...

    Thank you
    x x x

  6. Each and every pet has a special place in our hearts. What a nice tribute to yours. Not sure if you remember but I'd posted on one of my earlier posts of all the dogs I've had. Every one of them very special. This is a good time of year to reflect on the good they brought to our lives.

  7. What a lovely idea. I don't even want to think about when Ginger might pass. Ugh!

  8. This is a really nice jesture. I'm sorry about the loss of your dogs. They become so much a part of our lives. I was just thinking today that Charli is already five years old. We keep an ornament on our tree for Gretchen. She was the schnauzer we had while our son's were growing up.

  9. As you may know, I opened a Christmas card yesterday morning to discover that one of our fosters passed over the Rainbow Bridge in May... our first foster "lost..."

  10. These furry kids that live with us become real family members. They never stay long enough. But we always have our memories of them. they always are in our hearts.
    Love & wags
    Ernie & Sasha
