Monday, January 4, 2010

Medical Update

Yesterday I showed you Samba's naked feet and legs. There are some red spots on them and I was worried about infection, so we went to visit Dr B this afternoon.

The hair loss is from the high doses of steroids and he was also concerned about infection, so he's started her on some antibiotics. We're also going to wash her legs with a medicated shampoo a couple times a week and use a soothing lotion on them at bedtime. So far, she's been very good about not chewing on them.

The exam went well. Samba has good use of her jaw now, which she happily demonstrated by catching treats tossed to her. The muscles next to those that were destroyed have gotten larger and stronger and the dents in her head are not as deep as they were a couple weeks ago. Her eyes are not as sunken as they were, either. She has gained a pound and a half, which means that her ribs aren't sticking out anymore. All in all it was an excellent report

I feel much better knowing that she's made such progress. We're cutting her steroid dosage by 20% and that should stop the hair loss, so that new hair can start growing back in again. I'm starting to actually feel that she'll survive this and lead a nearly normal life.

On a lighter note, I know some of you have your dogs professionally groomed. Here's something from our training club newsletter.

10 Reasons Why Your Dog's Haircut Costs More Than Yours

1 You don't go for 8 weeks and never wash or brush your hair.

2 Your hairdresser doesn't have to carry you back and forth, kicking and screaming to the sink.

3 Your hairdresser doesn't wash and clean your rear end and give you a sanitary trim.

4 Your hairdresser doesn't clean your ears.

5 Your hairdresser doesn't have to remove the boogies from your eyes.

6 You sit still. You don't bite and scratch your hairdresser.

7 Your hair cut doesn't include a manicure and pedicure.

8 Your hairdresser only washes and cuts hair on your head.

9 You don't decide to do an operatic solo at the top of your lungs and encourage all the other patrons to join in.

10 The likelihood of you peeing or pooping while your hair is being cut is slim.

Believe me, having trimmed my active pack from time to time, I know that our groomer earns her fee.


  1. I loved your list of why we pay the dog groomer more. I don't know how they do it. When I drop Charli off all of the dogs are hanging in little slings getting their hair cut, or in cages. When we come through the door they all start barking and wiggling around. I'm going to copy your list and give it to Charli's groomer

  2. What great news about Samba! Keep us updated on her condition.

    I have no doubt that groomers earn every dollar they make. I do my own grooming of Marge, though, since she's so scared of the tub.

  3. Hi Sue:

    Yippee for you and Samba, you have both been hard at work fighting this disease and it sounds like you are winning!

    Your groomer rules sort of ties in with what Stella wrote tonight. Go visit her blog and see why.

    Jo and Stella

  4. Fabulous news about Miss Samba. I'm so very, very happy for you both.

    Love the 10 tips - there might be a few that I've had my hairdresser do. Um, no that's not what I meant - there might be a few that I have to do for my dogs - yep, that's what I meant!! g

  5. Nice post, Sue. So glad to hear the good report on Samba! I'm sure she's feeling better as well.

    And I wholeheartedly agree about groomers - I've seen that list before and I can't agree more! Since I groom a few dogs, including Addie, I've experienced this firsthand. Grooming is hard work!

  6. How wonderful to hear Samba is truly doing well. I wouldn't want anyone's year to start to with doggie (or people) health issues. And yes, I love my groomer, and am not sure you could pay me enough to do what she does!

  7. Hope Samba keeps improving. Like you we have had snow as well although, we don't get it as bad as you can. However where I live, this is the worst I have seen for about 15 years as when other areas get snowed in we don't as a result I can't get to work today. Keep well. Sue x

  8. This is great news! Thanks for the update!

  9. I'm so glad Samba seems to be on the mend, long may it lasts.

    The up side to having a Staffie, she's so short haired she never has to have her hair cut, just the odd shower which I can do.

  10. I'm so glad to hear that Samba is doing better - those sore legs look so uncomfortable.

    Thanks for the wonderful laugh - I needed it today - I just spent 1 1/2 hours cleaning up a poopy boy just to have him do it again - hopefully Piper's stomach is calmed down now. He didn't like having to be brushed in the 15 degree temperature (our grooming table might get moved inside) and neither did I.

    Have a fabulous day.


  11. We are so glad you were able to find out what was going on with her skin and that you can make it better. The cold air must really sting her.

    We only go to the groomer once or twice a year and that is only because Mom can't give us baths here and she likes getting our coats blown

    And it sure looks like our freeze is here to stay for a while.

    Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder

  12. Hooray Samba! That's wonderful news.

    Another perk to small-ish, smooth-coats. Fred did go to the groomer some, just because he was so big and so against the concept of bathing.

  13. Happy, happy, happy! What great news about Samba. Thank you too for the really good laugh about having your dog trimmed. I am still giggling.
    Have a wonderful day Sue!

  14. GLad to hear things are going well! We're off to the vet with Lola tomorrow... please think good vibes!

  15. Good news about Samba. I feel better about her now!!
    The dog groomer should get more. I don't know how they do it!! Of course I have never had a dog to a groomer before. All but one dog of mine were short hair dogs.I like short hair dogs for the reason they have less grooming issues!!
    Keep warm, Bambi, Happy & Fern

  16. sooo glad to hear the news and that samba is responding well to your ministrations.
    as for the rest, i am still giggling so hard, i cannot see straight! my hubby cuts snuffs and she is ever so good, it takes hours and hours then she gets a good treat and lotsa loving.

  17. What great news about Samba! We are doing happy dances here!
    Your grooming rules are hysterical! Thank you for the smiles!

  18. Thank goodness my dogs don't ever get a foil!

  19. I hope things continue to improve on the health front. Loved the grooming piece!

  20. We are happy to read the update on Samba. We are impressed with Samba being able to catch treats - we can never do that!
    We never go to be groomed so were interested to read all about it! We probably would bite a groomer!
    Sorry we are so far behind - lots happening plus the blog roll disappeared.
    We sat yesterday and sorted it all out so hopefully will not get so far behind again!!!
    Paws crossed.
    Martha & bailey xxxx

  21. Good news for Samba. That list is hilarious!
