Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May We Have Your Attention, Please !

Now hear this! Now hear this!

Tsar has an important announcement. June 10th is the Second Annual Bandana Day! Last year we had a great response to Blue Bandana Day. We had more than 70 of our friends, dogs, cats and a chicken all wore blue for our special day. You can see the pictures here.

We had so much fun and met such nice people and animals that we're going to do it again. This year the color is red. It's easy to join in, just find something red to wear, more about that in a minute. Have your human take your picture in your red bandana or whatever. Email the picture to me and on June 10 I'll post all the pictures. How easy is that?

If you have a red bandana , great. If not, don't worry, you can wear anything red.

Maybe you have a bright red sweater or a tee shirt.

Maybe you have a silly red hat.

You can wrap yourself up in your favorite red blanket.

Pups with moms who knit always have some silly thing to wear, even if it's a red neck ruffle.

You can even wear your new jogging suit if you want.

Fudge and the others can't wait to see what you all decide to wear. We're looking forward to making lots of new friends again this year. Let's beat last year's record of 73.

Here are the 4 easy steps to play along.
1. Find something red to wear.
2. Have your person take your picture.
3. E-mail your picture to me at
Include your name, the state or country where you live, and your blog or website so we can link to you.
4. Check in on this blog on June 10 to see all the pictures.

You can start sending your pictures anytime. I'll save them till the 10th.


  1. We'll be in that, if we can get a good picture!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  2. now I have to get them red stuffs? Okay - I think we can manage it. g

  3. oh this is exciting. we will have to dig through our bandana collection. we're gonna do it this weekend!


  4. We really need to get some bandanas - really our mum is not keeping us up to date with canine fashion at all.
    We will see what we can do and email you the pics - fun idea!
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  5. Oh how exciting! This will be a challenge for PeeWee since he prefers to be nekked and objects quite strongly to outfits, but maybe he will do it for Tsar!


  6. We'll be working on this one and get the photos to you.

  7. Hooray! I don't know that either girl has anything red, but Christmas red was one of Mugsy's colors, so we'll have fun finding red to wear.

  8. My goodness has it been a year already? Well I am off to find something red for our cat Mitzi to wear... red is her color you know!

  9. FUN... and how ironic that we posted a review of the Insect Shield bandana today! :)

    We'll get our red on!

  10. This sounds like so much fun Sue! Of course Charli will be there. She is looking forward to seeing all of her friends in their pretty reds. Do you mind if I take a picture of your red bandana and place it on my side bar with the information?

  11. Is Thor's maroon harness really red? He would like to participate.

  12. Hai Fudge! Its nice to meets you...Meowwof!

    Thanks for stopping by my bloggie and joining da blog hop. I hopes you stop by again.

    Can kitties join in da fun? I has a my very own red bandana, its a darker red but red MOL

    I added your bloggie to our feed so I can come visits.


  13. We're in! We'll get mom to take our picture! We wish we were clever enough to make a button for all of the blogs that want to join in but we're not that computer smart :-(

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  14. Count Sydney in on the fun! She'll look spiffy in a red bandana.

  15. We don't think we knew you then. We will work on our pics.

    Sounds like a lot of fun.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  16. Ohhh, Max loves red! And he loves a party. We will get right on that :0)

  17. We had such a great time last year, that you can count us in again! Wish I had another baby chicken this year!

  18. Red?? That is one of our favorite colors - we have lots of favorites. WE better check out our reds & get our pics to you. Fun....

  19. Hello Sue,

    This sounds like lots of fun. We will look for red stuff and send you some photos please.

    Thanks for telling us about it. Weeeeee

    -Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies

  20. hello~!

    my name is luna. scout & freyja told me all about you and i am very excited to participate in this fun and wonderful cause~! mum and i will definitely be sending you a pic soon~!!

    i hope you we can be great friends~!


  21. Woof! Woof! Hi There I'm Sugar. I will definitely join in the FUN. I have lots of RED stuffs. Good to meet you. Looking forward to your visit to my blog n be blog friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  22. Mum has a strange look on her face - I think she is trying to work out what I can wear. See you on the 10th.


  23. Hi ya! Nice to visit! What a fantastic contest....I might just have something red to wear :)
    Come on by for a visit sometime :)

    Hugs and snagglt-tooth kisses,
    Sierra Rose

  24. Sounds like fun! We'll try and get our act together.
    Sending lotsaluv
