Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hot Summer Days


The temperatures are hanging in the high nineties with humidity to match. It's too hot to do much of anything. So How are we dealing with the heat?

First, I have to spend a few minutes on my soapbox. Bear with me, please.

We're all aware of people who have no respect for animals. To them a dog or cat is just a disposable item, something to play with while it's little and cute, then abandon or worse when they get tired of it.

When I see someone teaching their child a love and respect for animals, I take notice. In this case my friend Vivian is encouraging her young son Henry to get involved in helping homeless animals. Vivian and Henry recently said goodbye to their beloved dog, Trinket. In the month of August, Henry is collecting 40 blankets to give to the Humane Society.

I feel strongly that we need to encourage young people who are helping animals and I'm sending Henry a couple blankets for his project. If you would like to help, you can contact him here. He's accepting any type of blanket as long as it's machine washable and dryable. They can be any size, remember dogs and cats come in all sizes. This is a good stay inside in the air conditioning project that can help you thin out your fabric or yarn stash. Dogs don't care what color you use, so get rid of those yarns you bought that turned out to be the wrong color when you got them home.

This is how I help endure the heat.

What are they waiting for?

Something must be happening inside the garage.

Why's it taking so long?

The line is growing. Isn't he ever coming out here?

Even big Tsar is waiting to see what's coming.

He has a treat in the dishes.

Rob cut up pieces of cold watermelon and baby carrots in each bowl.

The grass is high in the yard because it's been too hot and dry to mow, but that doesn't bother the dogs. They dig into the bowls.

Don't they look like a flock of mini-sheep?

The fast eaters are already looking for more.

Noah's a slow eater, so he gets a little help.

Tsar has decided that he doesn't like watermelon, but he does enjoy carrots, so he was happy with this snack.

When the bowls were empty everyone had to sniff around in the grass to see if any pieces were dropped and overlooked.

Morgan thought it would be nice to bring a stick into the house to amuse herself.

Unfortunately she chose a stick she couldn't even carry. She pushed it toward the door, but I wasn't allowing it inside. You can see where she's started chewing on one end. That girl has big goals.


  1. What a great post! My girls are ready for more watermelon too, I'm sure.

    Mugsy was my stick dog. My girls don't care for them, thankfully.

  2. LOVE watermelon on a hot day!! And LOVE the blanket idea. It's awesome!! I'll see what I can drum up.

    That stick looks more like a tree trunk to me. BOL!


  3. Look at all those pretty dogs! Looks like a herd of sheep for a second there. But what do I know? Im just a dog! :-)

    Licks of Love,

    PS- Its hot as !&#^@%!$!%^& here too!

  4. I'll take some watermelon and carrots, too! Good for Morgan, with big ambitions for her sticks. Thor is sleeping with his nose on the A/C grate to stay cool.

  5. The Lapdogs couldn't agree more... it is FAR too hot!
    Great pics!

  6. We have two watermelon eaters here - Thunder and Ciara and they both eat carrots too. Phantom, as you might expect, eats neither.

    The heat is bordering ridiculous here. Now we have t-storms approaching but they will only give about 10 minutes of relief:(

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  7. How wonderful of Henry to take some action to helping animals. Hope he gets a million. We're a bit far away, but have a local shelter that needs help, too.

    We'll have to try the watermelon. We love carrots.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  8. I love watermelon and carrots. Enjoy yours!

  9. That is one big stick, Morgan! What were you thinking? haha
    Mom is grocery shopping tomorrow. We're off to paw "watermelon" on her shopping list! yummm

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. It's been very humid here in Cheshire(UK) and I hate it. I'll join your guys for watermelon please.

  11. The pictures are so adorable!! It's very hot here too with no end in sight right now. The humidity is horrible! I love watermelon but Holly decided she didn't like it. That blanket idea is such a wonderful one! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  12. I'm not much of a vegetation eater, but I don't believe I've ever been offered watermelon. I guess I could keep an open mind. I was offered carrots and gave it a big paws down, although I do know lots of other doggies like them.

    Henry sounds like a great kid. It's a very nice thing he's doing.

    wags, Lola

  13. Thanks for spreading the word!

  14. yummmE...hot weather and watermelon..yippee
    Benny & Lily

  15. I thought your boy Tsar, got himself a Lion cut when summer came. . .not this time?

    I think watermelon is great hot dog food but its not for Stella eiher, she does like carrots though.

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  16. a flock of sheep they sure look like :) and a fudge brown in the sides :D

    Happy Wednesday to you Sue!

  17. That dinnew time looks delicious..I love Wally melon..had some last night..it's way too hot hewe
    smoochie kisses
