Wednesday, July 7, 2010

National Chocolate Day

Today has to be one of the best days of the year.

It's National Chocolate Day. Does that make you smile?

We'll leave the dogs out of the blog today, because chocolate is bad for dogs. Actually that's good news for chocoholics like me, because we don't like to share our chocolate, even with our furry friends.

Think for a minute how good chocolate is for you. It can help you get your daily requirements of fruits.

Chocolate has been found to have a calming effect and cause a feeling of well being.

Chocolate can help bring people together. I think addiction to chocolate may be hereditary. My grandparents both loved chocolate and I'm sure I inherited their love of that smooth, sweet flavor like no other.

We show our affection for others by offering chocolate. Think about Valentine's Day and Mother's Day and birthdays.

Well, I think I'll go take a bath and dream of what kind of chocolate I'll have today to celebrate National Chocolate Day.

Have a wonderful day, everyone and share some chocolate with someone you love.

Everyday is chocolate day around here because we live with Deerpark's Chocolate Legacy RN, better known as Fudge. He's my 24/7 chocolate treat.


  1. National Chocolate Day!!! Yes!!!! Love it so to the cabinet while Holly sleeps!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  2. Those chocolate pups are too cute. Hope you enjoyed your Day!

  3. Oh my goodness! This is the best post ever. Is it wrong to want to lick the computer screen? Happy National Chocolate Day!

  4. Oh boy.. that's a whole lot of chocolates to tempt us crazy Sue... and the chocolate bath.. *LOL* And yes.. the best chocolate in your life should be the furry fudge and cream :)

  5. Happy National Chocolate Day! Fantastic pictures of chocolate. We especially liked Fudge.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  6. Mom isn't a big chocolate fan so she says that we'll take Fudge instead, please!
    Enjoy your chocolate bath!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Blog Mom says she must, must, must go celebrate this right away. I don't think she really needs to. She's getting quite pudgy, but she says it's if it's a national occasion then it's her civic duty to consume extra chocolate. Is that true?

    lotsa licks, Lola

  8. National Chocolate Day???

    My mom was not aware of this and now after looking at all of your yummy pictures she won't be happy until she has some!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS Mom also thinks that chocolate is a food group!

  9. Giggle... the whole post is fabulous, but I love that last bit of Fudge...

  10. Oh - my - goodness! Momma would ♥ to submerge herself in alla' that chocolate!

  11. mmmmmmmm....

    Oh those chocolate doggies are absolutely adorable!!!!!!!

  12. I was wondering why I was craving chocolate!!!

  13. Thank Heavens you wrote this important post, Sue! Neither of my calendars have noted this! What if I had ignored this day? Tragedy, thats what.

    C'mon Stella, we gotta go to the store!

    Jo and Stella

  14. All that chocolate!!!! It's cruelty to dumb animals showing all that chocolate and not having any to hand to eat! Here in the UK we don't have a national chocolate day as far as I am aware. It's day that should be imported ASAP!!!!!

  15. Oh, now I need to send my daughters to Gertrude Hawk for some wonderful chocolates! Because you know that I love chocolate even though I do not eat chocolate baked goods.

  16. i thinks i need mummy just fainted after seeing all that chocolate....


  17. I love that you threw Fudge in at the end. He's my favorite chocolate too!

    I dislike truffles very much, but everything else (well not the bath) looks yummy - I think my belly got a bit bigger as I was reading. Happy Chocolate Day!! g

  18. Ok your post just made me really want some chocolate, but there is none in the house.
    Happy National Chocolate Day
    Your friends at

  19. Ha, just when it is time for bed, you had to go and do this to me - off to raid the cabinets for some yummy chocolate.

    The OP Pack Mom

  20. Happy National Chocolate Day!
    Now... how I do to make my mom to stop drooling??
    Kisses and hugs

  21. Had to switch to another computer; I shorted out the other by drooling on the keyboard!

  22. Oh, no...I missed National Chocolate Day!!! I'll just have to make up for it every day for the rest of the year. Sound like a good plan?

  23. Oh those chocolate pictures just make me drool!
