Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back To My Needles

Several months ago I put my knitting bag aside due to my vision problems. Last week I got my bag and yarn and needles out and started clicking away. I thought I'd share my latest project with you.

Last year I saw this little doll in a magazine. After much searching I found that she's a design by AK Traditions, an Australian company. I found their web site, but it wasn't easy to find what I wanted or to order the pattern, so I kept looking.

They have three books of doll patterns, but none of them seem to be available in the USA. Finally after weeks of googling, I found a very helpful knitting shop, Get Knitted, in the UK, that said they could order the pattern for me. After another month of waiting, I finally received the booklet that has instructions for six dolls.

This is my version of Abbey, the first doll in the book and the one I originally saw in the magazine. I like the way she turned out, but I have a few warnings if you plan to make her or any of her friends. The knitting is simple and quick, the finishing is not. It takes more than twice as long to finish the doll as to knit it. There's a lot of sewing and trim. I cut corners by using decorative buttons instead of the embroidery they recommend, but it still was a lot of fussy work.

The instructions are not very complete and assume a lot. There are also several errors in the patterns. These are not patterns for a beginner. Still, I'm happy with her and I even plan to make a little brother for her from the same book.

Once the doll was complete, I immediately cast on for my next project. I love this bright pink color. What's it going to be?

It's going to be Baby Bobbi Bear.

When I grow up I want to be a toy maker with a lot of dogs. I think I'm on the right track. What do you want to be when you grow up?


  1. I haven't knitted all summer either - I'm thinking as soon as this humidity clears, I'll get a pair of socks on the needle.

  2. Beautiful dolls! It's always nice to have a project going.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. So very nice - still wishing I had the patience to learn to knit properly.

    Good to see that the eyes are allowing you to do what you so enjoy.

  4. Go you! I hate finsihing/seaming, so dolls and such are just not likely to happend for me. Socks, ok...mittens? Right on....I'll let you do the toys...but I still get dogs!

  5. I think you ARE on the right track! Good for you, I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. The doll is adorable.

  6. The Abbey doll is just lovely and the button accents look very nice. Can't wait to see your Baby Bobbi Bear. I'd love to knit a teddy but haven't worked up the courage yet.

  7. Dees dolls is so beootifuls! My mom is a little jealous of your talents, she has tried to knit befores and the outcome wasn't pretty at all... ;)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  8. What a Beautiful Dool. I would Love to learn how to Knit, it seems like it would be a very relaxing activity.

  9. Oh boy.. these are really cute dolls.. especially the bobby bears :)

    i can't/never did find out how to knit but maybe one day.

    when i was little i always wanted to be a toy maker too.. the one that works with wood.. hehehe building lotta toys from wood.. from all the santa movies i used to see.. i love what the elves did :)

    You sure am in the right track Sue... :) happy days to you!

  10. These are absolutely adorable! I am very impressed!

    Your pal, Pip

  11. When I was a kid, I wanted to be in the movies more than anything (Westerns), then when I got older I wanted to sit in the jury box on Law and Order. Now that Law and Order is done, I really don't know what I want to do. I guess finishing up my three knitting projects would make me happy!

    Jo, stella and Zkhat

  12. How cute Abby is! We can't wait to see more of your knitted projects!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  13. You have such a knack for knitted toys. Almost - ALMOST - inspires me to try them again, but those seams!

  14. I wish I could knit like that, you have done a lovely job.

  15. The Baby Bobbi Bear is just adorable! It will be cute in that pink. Glad you're able to see well again!

  16. The dolls and bear are adorable!

  17. Those are so beautiful! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

  18. I think you've met your grown up goals! What an adorable little dolly. g

  19. wow sue! I'm so impressed by your project. I wished i stayed nearer to you so you could teach me how to knit!


  20. Oh my, what a beautiful knitted doll!
    The little bears are gorgeous too and that is a great colour.
    I have quite a few knitted dolls that my friend's mum used to knit - they are lovely.
    Must take some pics. We even have a golfer - I gave it to my husband for a birthday present some years ago. He looked a bit bemused! He has gold clubs and everything!
    So glad your vision has improved - I know you so enjoy your knitting.
    Vanessa (human end of M & B who have no interest in knitting!)

  21. That doll is adorable. I don't think I would attempt it, after your review, but she sure is cute!
