Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All About Eyes

Over on the Dogs-N-More blog Chan and I have declared this Canine Eye Info Month. We and others are posting about eye care in general and specific problems that can affect our canine buddies. Chan currently has a post about glaucoma. Her Sissy is battling the disease and Chan shares important info for all of us.
I'll be posting soon about PRA and Dr Nicki is doing a post on general eye care. Be sure to check us out and maybe pick up some info that could save your pet's vision.

Eyes are an important subject and I've been dealing with my own vision problems lately. As many of you know, I had cataract surgery last summer. The surgery was successful and I had an easy recovery. On Friday evening as I was taking the dogs outside for their last call, I noticed what appeared to be flashing lights just above my head. As I tilted my head back to see where they were coming from, I realized that the flashing lights were inside my left eye. That was frightening.

Saturday the lights continues to flash. Imagine Christmas tree lights flashing inside your eye and no way to pull the plug. Saturday evening as I was knitting, I felt like a lock of hair was in my eye. I kept brushing my hair back until I realized it also was inside my eye. It was like a good sized piece of dark lace floating back and forth across my field of vision. It was annoying enough to make me put away my knitting and go to bed.
On Sunday the lights weren't flashing as often, but the lacy floater was still there. First thing Monday morning I was on the phone to my eye doctor and he said to come in immediately. After an extensive examination, there was good news and bad news.

The good news, there is no hole or tear to the retina. The bad news I have a vitreous detachment. It's not dangerous, just very annoying. He gave me a time frame for the flashes to stop and so far today there have been none. This is good. The very large floater I'll have to learn to live with. It may or may not decrease in size and it may or may not drop lower in the eye, getting it out of the main field of vision.

At least I can recognize  a vision problem and make a call to the doctor. Our canine and feline companions depend on us to recognize when they have a problem and make the call for them.

We need to educate ourselves on what to watch for and what to do if we spot a problem. Join us for eye health month and if you have experience with vision problems in your pets, we want to share your knowledge. Check out the posts at Dogs-N-More.


  1. Oh wow... big hugs to you! Eyes are nothing to mess with, that's for sure. I'm glad you realized the problem and can get a dr's help right away. Sending lots of good vibes..... and hugs!

  2. How furry interesting, thanks for the post!

    Rudy's Raiser

  3. A good post with good reminders and info. As you know, our boy Tanner (who we've had for about 3 years) was diagnosed with glaucoma almost 2 years ago and has had an alternative treatment to taking his eye out--The sad thing is, is that the eye infection that caused it, is one that he'd probably had for several years and went undiagnosed.

  4. I'm so sorry about your eye problems! I'm hoping that it doesn't devolve on you. After Chan's scare with Sissy, everyone who knows her is undoubtedly more aware of doggy eye problems.

  5. Goodness, thanks for all the info. I hope you have no more 'flashes' in your eyes. A few weeks ago I had the crud and had an eye appt. because I know my vision has changed. He gave me a new pair of contacts he wanted me to try with bifocals. Immediately after I left, my eyes teared and burned and I kept thinking it was just an adjumstment but it was so irritating. I called to get in and couldn't get in until 3 days later and by then I was absolutely miserable! It would have been fine, but my glasses are as old as the hills and NOT the correct prescription so I was a mess...you are right, eye problems are annoying! for us and our pets!

  6. Excellent post, Sue. I have several floaters, but small, AND very annoying. My husband has had his retina detach twice and that is no fun at all and very serious. He has a "buckle" now in his left eye that helps hold the retina in place - just one of the myriad of eye issues for him.

    As I told Channon, we had a pup with glaucoma that resulted in removal of both eyes. Being able to recognize those early warning signs is helpful, but sometimes there is nothing that can be done for them. So sad.

  7. Oh Sue!!!!!!!! I'm glad that you're better already. If Fred was still alive, he'd want to tell you that you'll soon be very used to the floater(s) and it won't bother you at all. He had one, then two, and near the end, the original floater was rather large, but it didn't bother him a bit.

  8. Sorry to hear about your eye Sue.
    It must be so annoying for you to see a tadpole floating around in the sky.
    Very well written post.
    :-) x x x

  9. Our mom squirmed through this entire post. We sure hope you'll be okay, Sue. Eye problems are scary!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. Great post! Mom is going over to Dogs-N-More right now to reads more 'bouts dis subject.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  11. So happy that you went to the eye doc quickly. I hope soon that you will be feeling better and better. Thanks for such a great post.

  12. glad to hear that the christmas lights have decreased. that's got to have been weird.


  13. Thanks for the info. Now mom is looking and ready about eye balls
    benny & Lily

  14. Welcome to the Floater's Club. They drive you crazy at first but just live gently with them and you won't even notice them soon!

    I am not familiar with the other problem but I do know this:

    Aging is Not for Sissies!

    Cheers and hugs,


  15. Thanks for the heads up to watch the dogs.

    When you mentioned the flashing lights, we were thinking detached retina.....glad to hear it wasn't.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  16. Excellent idea! People tend not to think about their pets' eyes until there is a disaster. Thanks so much for helping put this together!

    Mama also has floaters and was told it's part of the price of getting older :) But hers are nothing like your mom's sound! Hope hers sinks, rather than floats, and ceases to be an annoyance.

    Jed & Abby

  17. Good news that nothing is torn, but how annoying! Hopefully that floater will settle down and behave very soon.

  18. Great post! I opted to have my dogs eyes tested at a breed health clinic and really encourage owners to do that. It's not very expensive (I think our eye test was $40). This site lists health clinics in the U.S. and Canada

  19. Wow that was scary. Thank you for sharing your eye info on the blog. It was useful for canine and human alike. I had a dog years ago with severe eye problems. Eventually, he had to have an eye removed. It was very traumatizing for all of us. He survived and lived a very, long life. Good old Ramon the Pekinese. Thanks for reminding us to be careful and "watchful"
    Opie's Mom

  20. Sue,
    Wondering how your eyes are doing and if the flashes have ceased? Take good care and missing you!
