Monday, February 7, 2011

The One and Only Mango Minster 2011

It's here ladies and gentlemen. The most prestigious online dog event of the year starts today. This is the opening day of the great Mango Minster 2011 that we've all been waiting for.

In case you've been living in a cave for the past year, here's the scoop. The great Mango, aka The Relentlessly Huge, sponsors and coordinates this event each year in the days leading up to that other dog show.

This year there are five categories of entries; Shameless Dogs and Doggie Divas, Good Old Boys and Gals, Bad Sports, Kittehs, and Insane Cracker Dogs.
Each day,starting today, the public, that's you and me, can vote on one category. Today's group is Shameless Dogs and Doggie Divas.  It's easy to vote. Just go to the Mango Minster site HERE and you will find a list of the contestants. You can click on each name and read their entry post. Then vote for your favorite. There are only a few hours in which to vote, so don't dilly dally.
At the end of each day the winner will be announced. There is a prize for the people's choice, (that's what we vote for) and the official judges will also announce their choice.

So now that the whole world knows about Mango Minster, you have no reason not to vote. Get your clicker finger over there and VOTE. It's your patriotic duty.

Now, just one more thing and this is very important!! On Wednesday, Fudge is competing for Bad Sport. He would like your vote, no he demands your vote. Don't forget to vote early and often and VOTE FOR FUDGE.

This public service announcement was paid for by the Fudge for Bad Sport Committee.

I'm Fudge and I approved this message.


  1. How can we resist such persuasive rhetoric?

  2. We are on our way over to vote now! Thanks for the reminder.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  3. We can't wait to vote! We are psyched! Good luck, Fudge!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  4. That was a super post! Yuh! My name was in it like totally 87 times I think. I am so excited! This is it!


  5. You're on our list, Fudge!! Sissy's up today, with some stiff competition.

  6. On to the voting booths we go......
    Benny & Lily

  7. Fudge, you forgot to tell everyone to vote for Sissy today! Being a one eyed Diva is hard work, after all, and she's the best Diva we know!

  8. We will definitely go an vote Fudge! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  9. Just voted! Thanks for letting us know Fudge!
