Wednesday, March 23, 2011

It Looks Like Spring

Suddenly, overnight, some of the trees have flowered. It actually is starting to looks like spring around here. Morgan and Sky are discussing it.
 The nosy pooches want to take a look outside the yard and see what the neighborhood looks like, too.
They heard some kids chattering up the block from us and had to hurry over to the fence to take a look.
 We're all enjoying the warm, sunny days and spending lots of time outside.
 Norma Jean and I are doing our homework outside, too. We're taking loose leash walks in the woods and practicing sit, down and stay in the yard and the driveway.
 Yesterday was her first day in class. She was a little distracted by the other dogs, there were a couple of barkers in the group and the class went on a little too long. She started out well and did everything she was told, but after about 30 minutes, she tuned out and just wanted to watch the other dogs.

One funny thing did happen at the end of class. We handed in our name badge and were starting toward the door when we passed a large mirror on the wall. It's there so you can watch your dog when you leave it in a stay. Norma Jean hadn't noticed it before, but we walked toward it on the way out. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks and started wagging her tail and got  very excited. My thought is that she thought it was Noah coming to join her. They look very much alike.


  1. Sissy blanked out precisely at 40 minutes, so I couldn't arrive early; I had to try to time it so that we walked in, greeted her friends and were in place, ready to start with no time to spare.

    I still haven't decided which dog is going to school with the certificate I bought at the auction. More for Sis or first try for well-mannered Gg?

    My terriers were quick to figure out the mirror. Both Mugsy and Gg used/use it to watch me from a spot on the bed that doesn't require direct line of vision.

  2. Well, I can say that my stuffed up nose and sneezing make it seem like spring... but the white flakes that keep falling beg to differ!

  3. Another nice day here but a bit cooler. We hear rumblings of snow over the weekend. It is so nice to see the green grass, trees budding, and flowers coming to life.

    30 minutes is a long stretch - maybe she just needs a diversion at that point.

    The mirror story is cute - that first time they encounter one, the looks on their faces is priceless.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  4. How cute that Norma Jean was wagging her tail at herself!
    We're having snow showers here!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  5. Yay for spring!!! I love the mirror excitement. So cute!


  6. I was hoping it would look like spring, but then we got another 5" of snow today. Oh, well, it will melt soon. This is the price of the northeast, right?

  7. We always have to watch what's happening in the neighbourhood.

    Well done Norma Jean! 30 minutes...we would have broken way before then.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  8. Grrrls here are very jealous. We're still stuck in the middle of mud and rain and muck here.

  9. Sounds like fun homework. We can't wait for spring, purrrty soon. Your class sounds fun. My Lily may be entombing soon
    Benny & Lily

  10. That's cute!
    I love spring but my allergies are at an all time high right now!

  11. Oh how cute. Dudley used to play with his reflection in a mirror. He'd bark at him and then run around and try to find him - I miss that dear boy.

    I hope Norma Jean enjoys her class and does well.

    I love that the entire pack runs to the fence to see what's going on. g

  12. It's like Spring here too Sue.... well at least today anyway. Tomorrow the rain returns. I did manage to get all my roses pruned. One of many jobs that need doing in the garden.

  13. sue,
    Isn't it funny how it sometimes seems to happen overnight?
    I hope spring is in your area to stay :)

  14. We had a few nice days last weekend, but I have heard rumors of snow tomorrow! UGHHH!

    Your pal, Pip

  15. It would be nice to be out there all the time for a change... until the heat of summer dawns.. hehehe Dommy loves to peek out through the fence too and am a nosy fella too... :)

    Glad Norma Jean had a good day in class.. 30 mins is a long time for a doggie i think. Have a good day ahead Sue!

  16. HELLO!! I can hardly sit still for 30 minutes, so kudos to Norma Jean for outlasting even me! :-)))

    Funny story about the mirror that I know provided a grin for everyone, ME included! :-)

  17. Love them peeking through the fence...tooo cute!

  18. Hoping your Spring keeps pushing her way through. We've had rain, rain, rain -- though not just now, and there is lobbying going on for some quick walks...
