Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nine Years Ago Today

It's hard for me to believe, but today is Samba's ninth birthday. It really does seem like yesterday that we drove to Kansas City to meet her plane. A happy little eight week old pup came charging out of the carrier and she has never slowed down.
In her first year we did obedience class and a dog show. Class was OK, but she wasn't crazy about the show ring. Even though she was Best of Breed, she made it clear she didn't want to do that anymore, so we didn't.
We really bonded right from that first long car ride home and she became the most loyal dog I've ever had. She's ready for anything as long as we can do it together.

When she was three we added a future mate to the household. His name was Fudge and the household has never been the same.

Fudge turned out to be a pretty good buddy.

He also provided us with a litter of crazy pups, though Samba and I did all the work.

Around seven she visited the lake and discovered that she's a true water dog. We had to drag her out of the water.
Last year was rough as we fought first MMM, then facial paralysis, then thyroid disease, but we got thru it together.

So join us all today as we celebrate Samba's ninth birthday. Tell your human that we said it was OK to have an extra treat.

Happy Birthday Samba, you're my special girl.


  1. Happy Birthday, Samba! We hope this year isn't so traumatic for you.

    We'll take up your idea about the extra treat in your honour!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & bella

  2. Happy Birthday Samba! Hope you have many more!

  3. Happy Birthday Samba!! I am going to take you up on that extra treat!

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Happy Birthday Samba - we love you!!

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

  5. Happy Birthday Samba! Hope you get lots of pressies, treats and cake!

    Thor and Jack

  6. What a sweet post for a beautiful birthday girl! Happiest of birthdays, Samba... and MANY more.

  7. Crazy how fast time flies, no? I still can't believe Zeus just hit 10!
    Happy Birthday Samba!

  8. Happy birthday Samba! I hope you have many more!

  9. Happy 9th Barkday dear Samba! Lovely lovely girl.. may you have a great celebration with all of the porties. We did have an extra treat to honor you! yippppeee!

    woofs n licks,

  10. Happy Birthday, dear Samba! We are happy that your health is under control and you can thank your Mom for lots of that!

    So here is wishing you cake, ice cream and lots of presents! We are getting an extra treat today in honor of your birthday and it might be a CUPCAKE or a doughnut hole with frosteen on it. I can't hardly wait! Kisses, from Stella

  11. Awww, what a sweet story Sue-Happy Birthday Samba!
    need I say you sound like a fortunate creature :) may you have many more blessed days!

  12. Happy Birthday, Samba! Abby the Doberman joins you in a birthday this week as she turns 10 on Friday.

  13. Happy Birthday Samba! And many more! Have as many treats as you can get away with!

  14. Happy 9th birthday, Samba! We will definitely have a treat in your honor!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. Happy 9th Birthday Samba!!! Hope you have a wonderful celebration!

    What's MMM?

  16. Happy Birthday, sweet Samba - we hope you have the most special day of all!!! And thank your Mom for the extra treat - we are going to go bug the Momster for it now.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  17. From a frolicking puppy to a dignified lady...happy birthday

  18. I will make an applesauce meringue cake tonight in Samba's honor, and give some to Thor. I promise. Happy Birthday, sweet girl. We love you because your momma does.

  19. Happy Happy Birthday, dear sweet Samba. Enjoy your treats and I hope you day is extra special. g

  20. Happy Birthday Samba! You are a good sweet girl and I hope you have many more birthdays!

  21. Happy Birthday, Samba!
    Kisses and hugs

  22. Aww, Happy 9th Barkday, Samba!!!

    I am SOOOO going to get that extra treat, just fur you! Hehehe


  23. Happy Birthday Samba!I hope you have a really fun day!

  24. Happy Birthday, Samba! And many happy returns!

    Since you are Portugese, we'd also like to sing you Happy Birthday in your native language!

    ParabĂ©ns a vocĂȘ,
    Nesta data querida.
    Muitas felicidades,
    Muitos anos de vida.

  25. Happy Birthday Samba! What a lovely look back at your beautiful pics!

  26. Happy Belated Barkday!! What a wonderful story! And adorable pictures!

