Monday, March 28, 2011


We had a rainy weekend, but when Samba and I went outside at 2 AM this morning we had a big surprise. The yard was covered with snow.
We didn't say anything and by the time everyone else got up this morning, the snow was gone from the grass, but there were still traces of it on the deck.
As you can see, there were some happy dogs this morning when they discovered the white stuff.
It doesn't take much to make these guys happy.
Now, let's get back to spring.


  1. We second that motion. Sadly, we have more snow coming on Wednesday.

  2. We had a similar surprise on Sunday morning! It's gone now but maybe more on Wednesday. :( I LOVE snow but it's not enough to play in and so I'm ready for SPRING too!!!


  3. At the risk of having to run to avoid being slapped, I have ot say.... better you than me this weekend! ;)

  4. We're having our first sunny day in So Cal in TWO WEEKS!! Bye. Gotta go!!

    -Ruby Gizmo and Bart

  5. Ours was still here this morning and made it necessary to cancel the sprinkler servicing appointment, but now it is all gone again. More possible tomorrow, but most likely rain. That makes for more MUD!!!

    Happy Spring.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  6. The dogs look soooooo happy! Boy, that Groundhog messed up this year in his call for early Spring.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  7. Spring obviously made the wrong turn
    Benny & Lily

  8. I bet that was a surprise to see snow again. I guess old man winter isn't done with you yet!

  9. Thor went out this morning, and came back with an icicle. Dan praised his hunting skills. I hope it gets above 30 some time soon, so I can stop freezing every time the door's opened!

  10. That has happened to us a couple of times too. There's just enough wetness to make it all muddy again! YUK!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  11. Amen to that...let's get back to spring;'s cold and I woke up to my alarm giving the weather forecast for possible snow showers; UGH!!!!
    your dogs make me smile :)

  12. I love anything except big winds wif wain..looove snow, loooove sun, looove life!
    I'm glad all of you had such a gweat time
    smoochie kisses

  13. Think Spring! No more snow, please.

    Your pal, Pip

  14. Oh, they do look so happy romping in that white stuff! They predict a significant spring snow here tonight, so we may have happy pups here too!
