Wednesday, March 9, 2011

We Made A New Friend Today

This morning, after breakfast and a quick run, Rob and I loaded Morgan and Samba into the car and we went to visit Splash and Gracie and of course their Mom, J. It was a cold gray day and rain sputtered on and off but the girls slept in the back of the car until we arrived.

When we got to their house, we took the girls straight into the back yard to work out the kinks from riding and to relieve themselves. Grace and Splash heard us drive up and came racing out to see us.
Grace went into play position to greet her Mom and Aunt Morgan.
J came out and my girls had to run up to say hello. It's been a long time since they'd seen her.
But, what's this? There's someone new here. Who's this little girl?
Morgan thought she looked familiar. It was sort of like looking in a mirror, a very small mirror.
I tried to get a better shot of the two of them together, but they weren't cooperating. The did enjoy a quick game of chase the tennis ball.
It was too cold to play outside for very long, so we went inside and Grace had to chat with Rob about all she's been doing lately.

Gracie was one of Samba's puppies and she was always very fond of Rob. That obviously hasn't changed.
Our new little friend is Runtley. She quickly got acquainted with our dogs, but was unsure about us. She'd take a biscuit from Rob, but wouldn't come to either of us. I'm sure that this summer we'll become good friends.
I think Morgan wants to call her Mini-Me.


  1. Runtley is too cute! Fun photos of the dogs at play too.

  2. aahh we like meeting your new friend. Bet you had fun
    Benny & Lily

  3. She does look like a Mini-Morgan. How fun. Looks like the girls all had good fun. g

  4. She does look like a mini-me.... Mini-Morgan. If everyone was moving too quickly for good photos, then everyone was having a good time.

    Love the shot of Gracie talking to Rob.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. What cuties!! "Mini-me" just looks so precious. I know you had a great visit.

  6. Runtley DOES look like a shrunken Morgan! How cute.

  7. Aww, what cute photos - glad you hear you made a new friend!


  8. Looks like a VERY fun playdate. Definitely a mini-me lookalike. So cute.

  9. Runtley is a funny name. It's nice that the girls got to go play with friends.

  10. Oh, lovely....isn't it funny how they all have their own personalities!
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Susan x

  11. It looks like you all had a great time. Runtley is a cutie!

  12. Runtley is very sweet - love the name:) That was nice to get the pups together for some fun.

    Cool here too but loving the sun.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  13. Awww...Mini Me is adorable! I wish my grrls friends were still close enough to go visit. Misty is very social and likes to 'greet' all the other dogs when they are out walking, but Sasha...she has ben drprived of other dogs too long and keeps her distance.

  14. How cute is "Mini Me"! Everyone looks like they had a wonderful time.

  15. What great pics of playtime!

  16. She does look like a mini Morgan. Looks like all of the girls had a nice time together. I'm itching to get Marge some outdoor playdates as well - I don't think she's played outside with other dogs since her offleash hike in January.

  17. It's always nice to meet new friends...thanks for showing such fun photos where the guys are having a great time!

  18. What a cutie! It's always good to have a new friend, no matter what the size.

  19. You can never have enough friends around :-) New one's are a bonus :-) x xx
