Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pool's Open !!

This has been a crazy, stressful week and I'll post more about that in my next post, probably later today, but there was one high spot. Because we've had some very warm, sometimes hot weather, we decided to fill the wading pool.
It was a good time for the dogs and for us, watching them enjoy the water.
When Rob walked over with the hose, everyone gathered to see if he was actually going to turn the water on.
Once he did, they couldn't wait for the pool to fill. Here Norma Jean and Tess are trying to catch the water as it leaves the hose.
Samba's ready.

Boy, that cool water feels good on a hot day.
Fudge and Lola think they could use a little more water, please.
It looks like they're searching for fish.
This is the first year that Lola has shown this much interest in the water. Looks like she'll be going to the lake this summer.
When Norma Jean jumped in, everyone else left. She throws water all over the place and the others clear out when she starts splashing. She practically empties the pool. This was a good start to the season.


  1. Makes ME happy to see the dogs and their pool! Hooray! Maybe it'll be warm enough for ours soon?

  2. A pool day looks like so much fun! Not quite warm enough here yet....

  3. It's no where near warm enough for water here. But at least we broke 60 today!

  4. What fun that they are all interested in the pool!! Java never cared for it and Piper is the only one of the Scotties that likes it - of course Ruairi was too small last Summer to go in with Piper - so who knows, he's fairly rambunctious and might just love it - guess we'll find out when the weather warms up. Lilly hates anything to do with water - sometimes I think she wishes she didn't even have to drink it - LOL!!

  5. What fun. I have to show Gussie a picture of her friend Norma Jean in the pool! She is going to want me to get her one!

  6. True water dogs!!!! Looks like they have so much fun.....and we're impressed that they take turns. Maybe you should get a few more pools.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  7. Uh, I don't know how to tell you this, uhh, well, we are expecting snow late tonight, tomorrow and Saturday.


    You continue to have fun in your pool though and we'll just carry on as best we can.



  8. I'm sowwy you had such a dweadful week. so glad that thewe was a lovely watewy highlight
    smoochie kisses

  9. BOL, whooa, every buddy in the pool
    Benny & Lily

  10. pool time.. wooooohoooo.. a great start to summer!! hope you'll have more pool time this weekend :)

  11. Of course you need a pool for the water dogs! Happy paddling!


  12. It must really be warm at your house. It's still too chilly here to jump in a pool! Have fun, guys!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch
