Monday, April 18, 2011

The Start Of A New Week

Last week was rough. But the nice thing about life is - there's always another week waiting to be lived.

This week  Norma Jean and I will go to class on Tuesday and the new dishwasher is arriving on Thursday. Aside from those big events, the week is open for new adventures.

I'm sure we'll play ball a few times.

We'll surely have a group stick chew.

We'll probably roll in the grass.

Someone will get in trouble and someone else will do something special. Maybe we'll  burst into song.

Maybe we'll even get a special treat like ice cream.

Isn't it nice that life lets us have a do over when things don't go right the first time?


  1. Do-overs are good. Hope this week is much, much better.

  2. Just getting around and getting caught up - hope this is a great week for you - it appears the last one could have been better!

  3. Sue, it certainly is nice to have do-overs for certain!
    Great post and a really good reminder that after difficult weeks; things can and will get better :)

  4. Here's hoping for a song and sunshine filled week of stick chewing and ball games. And no more dead appliances.

  5. Great post! It sounds like you caught your breath! Hope all goes well!

  6. Maybe all the bad stuff is behind you....for awhile. Hope you enjoy this week more. Looks like you've got a line up of great activities.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  7. "Tomorrow's another day" is a phrase that can sure come in handy sometimes. Here's hoping that you have a fun and productive week.

  8. It looks like you guys have a great week planned! We hope it all works out just perfectly!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  9. Hoping this week is a good one for all, especially Mom.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  10. You sure have a big week planned. Have fun
    Benny & Lily

  11. It sounds like the faboolous pawsibilities awe endless.
    I love all youw pictoowes showing youw fun things
    smoochie kisses

  12. I love the photo of Tsar howling!

  13. What a positive post Sue, just what I need to start my week, as the past few months have been rough too for me. Love seeing you with the doggies.

  14. I guess that's why we get up each morning, right? A fresh new day to do with as we will.

    Enjoy your fresh new week. Hope it is full of fun adventures and good stuff.

    Will the pack get to an egg hunt? g

  15. What a trying week, but fortunately nothing that can't be fixed. Well, we hope ... how did Rob's tests come out? Hope the appliances are behaving themselves. And that you got a chance to catch up on your sleep. Did you ever recover Monkey?

    Jed & Abby

  16. Well let's hope you all have a wonderful Easter ahead of you the photographs,
    Susan x

  17. Thanks for dropping by my blog Sue. Are all those dogs yours? Wow! I just have an anti-social saluki to live with..

  18. Oh yes :-) :-) :-)
    Have a great time Norma Jean and don't forget. Mum is boss and just might have something good in her pocket :-) If she doesn't tell me :-) xxx
    lots of luv Amie Soto Blossom x

  19. I missed your Bad Week Post so I was perplexed by all this do-over stuff. So I went back and read it all, feeling somewhat smug that I only have one dog and no husband.

    Whatta a deal all that was . . .did Monkey ever show up or did the coyotes get him?

    I am glad your sunny side is up today and will happily tell the fates you deserve better!

    Jo and Stella

  20. I hope this week was better than last week!
