Friday, May 20, 2011

A Game Changer

 The last three of my pack visited Dr B on Wednesday. Tess and Lola had no problems to report and both had good exams and the lab reports were perfect on each of them. Noah was a different story.

Over the last few months I've noticed a change in Noah. He went from being a happy boy who joined in games with his siblings to being the chubby little kid on the edge of the playground. The one who nobody wants on their team and the bigger boys tease. He hangs back, doesn't join in games with the others and looks sad most of the time.

I put Noah and Sky on the same diet at the same time. Sky lost 10 pounds and Noah gained weight. He has developed a funny stiff legged walk that resembles a waddle. His coat has also become dull and dry. I discussed all this with Dr B and asked if we could do a thyroid panel on Noah along with his other blood work. Dr B agreed that the symptoms could all be thyroid related.

Yesterday I got the call from our Vet Tech and friend Linda. She sounded excited and told me that Noah has a low thyroid. I cheered. Now, it may seem strange to be so happy when the vet tells you there's a problem with your dog, but I'm  very happy for Noah.

This can make an enormous difference in his life. His condition is easy to treat and we'll actually see changes soon. He should be able to lose the extra weight and start having more energy. His coat should regain it's gloss and he should just feel better overall.
He took his first pill this morning. Soon Noah should be happy again and that makes me happy, too.


  1. Hooray! I'm glad there is a good fix for Noah.

  2. YAY for knowing what it is and we all know that is treatable - wonderful news!

  3. Noah has the same problem I have, a low thyroid. I was amazed to learn how MANY dogs had this, and people too.

    I take my pill every morning and you take yours, Noah and we'll both be and stay, lots better.

    Cheers and hugs,
    Stella's Mom Jo

  4. I have a low thyroid myself and totally understand your reaction. I was relieved it was an easy fix - and it was! Noah should be feeling more like himself soon.

  5. Not sure how you feel about a holistic solution, but Tucker was diagnosed with mild hypothyroidism last January, and has made remarkable improvement with a twice daily regimen of Standard Process Canine Thyroid Support, obtained by prescription from my holistic vet. Might be something to consider if you are open to it.

  6. As a person with low thyroid, I totally understand how awesome it is to get an answer for feeling awful. Hopefully this will mean he perks up and gets back to feeling like himself.

  7. Poor baby! I'm glad he's on the road to recovery.

  8. I was pleased to get similar news about my kitteh many years ago who was vomiting,loosing weight,balding. Alas, she was running too hot!! a little pill cleared everything up and she had many more years of health with us!

  9. It's SOOOOOO much better knowing what the problem is and that it's fixable than having some mysterious malady.

    We look forward to seeing Noah back in the pack having fun.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  10. Yay, i am so happy to hear you had good news as a low thyroid, my little Annie had a huge tumor and I just had to put her down today. If only it was her thyroid. It amazes me how dogs have people problems. I take thyroid meds too, so hang in there Noah!!!

  11. Overall, your week's worth of visits went pretty well. Dakota had thyroid issues and did OK on meds. Her situation was complicated by the Cushing's so Mom doesn't think she saw any dramatic changes in her. But we have a neighbor dog who was very overweight, lethargic, and moody. Once they discovered she had thyroid issues and went on the soloxin, what a world of difference it made in her. Lost weight, regained energy, coat improved 100%. So we have good hopes for Noah too.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  12. Good reports, now paws crossed for Noah.
    Benny & Lily

  13. oh I am so happy that it wasn't worse. good for you, and I bet noah loves taking his pill with a treat attached!

  14. Our dad has a thyroid issue and all it takes to keep him happy and healthy is a little blue pill! We wish the same for you, Noah!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  15. Such a good mom to notice those changes in Noah and get them looked at. I love it too when there is a clear diagnosis with a well known remedy. Good luck.

    Mango Momma

  16. Hi Y'all,

    So glad there is an easy answer to your unhappiness!

    Y'all come by now,
    Hawk aka BrownDog

  17. Noah :-) fluffy pal, join the gang and take your pill, you will feel better soon. Can't have such a fine looking lad feeling unwell. Think Mom needs a huge slobbery kiss from you. :-)
    Luves from me, Amie Soto Blossom X

  18. Sometimes part of the relief is in being able to name the problem, when we know something is definitely wrong. It's great that it's a treatable condition.

  19. So glad that the problem is easily fixed. My Katie was on thyroid pills for years. They made a HUGE difference!
