Monday, June 13, 2011

Those Eyes

We've all had the experience of snapping a photo of our dogs which should have been a great shot, except that the eyes glowed yellow in the flash.

Or at night, you shine a flashlight into the dark to locate your dog and you see those yellow eyes looking back at you.

Well, we have an exception. See these beautiful soft brown eyes? They belong to Tsar. But Tsar's eyes don't glow yellow in the light. Tsar's eyes glow red.

Tsar is all black and disappears in the dark, so at our last call, I take a flashlight to  help locate him. What I see are two bright red orbs looking back at me. That's all that shows up. Even after all these years, it's startling to see two bright red eyes coming toward me in the dark.

Dr B says the rods and cones in Tsar's eyes are different than most dogs and cast the red glow instead of the usual yellow. Just another example of Tsar being a strange cat/dog creature.


  1. They're still a little scary even if there is a physical reason.

  2. Interesting. I have an email I'll forward you... I don't think it's related, but I can't find enough information to know.

  3. That's so interesting! Phoenix's eyes look BLUE when they reflect. I wonder what that means....


  4. That is interesting! I get a lot of glowing eyes and laser eye pictures but one cat almost always has red eyes!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  5. We know Tsar is unique. What's his story? How did he come to live with you?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  6. Hey, that's pretty cool, Tsar!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. well, isn't that interesting. I don't think I'd want to encounter those eyes in the dark!

  8. Hmmm,maybe Mom needs to see if Phantom has that same trait:) Very interesting.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

  9. I thought that was really interesting!! Charlie (Wheaten's)blue eye photographs red in a flash, but that eye has always been a little spooky anyway!! :-)

  10. Wow! That certainly would take me a bit to get use to if I saw those eyes coming towards me in the dark!
    Interesting to know it is caused by the rods in the eyes!

  11. That is interesting indeed!


  12. That is interesting, not least because human eyes also turn red, not yellow, under the flashy beast. Although our eyes seem more like opaque mirrors with the flash, not really yellow.

    What a nice turn out you had for the bandana day. And a lot of doggies we don't know yet :)

    How many watermelons does it take to fill the tub? Twice?

    Jed & Abby

  13. Spooky Tsar, a very mysterious look - but goes well with your lovely black coat:-) Ours flash blue - the human said it was to do with us being short sighted or something, I keep saying Louis needs glasses but he's so vain ;-) Have a good week guys, Dex & Lou x

  14. Wild! Yeah Tsar would scare the bones off of me if I saw his red eyes staring at me in the dark! Yikes! :O
    Very cool Tsar :)

    Waggin at ya,

  15. My Dog Max, he's the brown version almost, looks-wise of your Tsar, also are red in the dark. Kinda spooky, but it's just big gentle Maxi Paws.

  16. I do love Tsar. He's so pretty. The rest of your pack is a party in the house, but Tsar is much more like me and Thor.

  17. Tsar is a stud. :)
    I heard in biology class a LONG time ago... that if the flash on your eyes (human) come back as white instead of red ... then it's a sign of cataracts.

  18. Legend and Lyric have red eye. Zodiac has green eye.
