Sunday, August 21, 2011

Play Ball!

It's still hot here in Missouri. While we haven't hit 100 in a few days, the temps are hanging in the 90s and the rain that's been forecast every day has managed to go around us leaving only high humidity behind. But despite the uncomfortable weather, a dog just has to play ball sometimes.
 When we went out this afternoon, instead of finding something to explore or chew on, everyone milled around waiting for me to come up with an activity.
I was interested in getting pictures of the new short hairdos that everyone is sporting. Each evening Rob works on one or two of them to get them trimmed down without forcing anyone to stand on the table for hours at a time. Noah is looking exceptionally good and enjoying the cooler coat.
It didn't take long for the pack to let me know that a fast paced ball game would be appreciated. Do you know how difficult it is to aim and take pictures while throwing several plastic balls down the hill?
 I guess my coordination just isn't as good as I thought it was.
Sky is begging," forget the pictures and just throw the ball".
Norma Jean never had much interest in chasing the ball until this summer. After learning how to do water retrievals at the lake, suddenly she's turned into one of my best retrievers on land, too.
Last week we had a little scare with Samba, but as it turned out she and I are doing some therapy with the ball to stretch out her remaining jaw muscles and keep them working well. I guess the others wanted to get in on the fun.
 After all that running everyone had a long cool drink and now there are sleeping dogs all over the place, till the hands of the clock approach 4. Then they'll all be reminding me that it's dinner time.


  1. It is still very warm and humid here even though the temps are a lot lower. None of us is much up for outside time. That makes it tough with a puppy in the house but we are all managing to find fun things to do.

    Hope Samba is OK. The haircuts are all looking great.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  2. Of course they do, nad i bet you two ran round with them. What fun in the sun.

  3. Great playtime shots! It's hot as heck here too...

  4. We hate humidity. We just wilt! Luckily we don't have much out here.

    Kendra is our stomach clock. She reminds us when it's breakfast, dinner and get-in-the-crate treat.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. What a fun Sunday afternoon! Love the new haircuts, and glad the scare was a little and treatable one!

    -Gizmo, Bart and Ruby

  6. Thor says he's glad you have gotten cooler weather, so you can get out for a good romp again!

  7. sure looks like a fun day. Fall is going to be here before you know it
    Benny & Lily

  8. It has been much warmer and MUCH more humid this year in Upstate NY too!! I just love the looks on all of their faces!!! You have a bunch of cuties!! We are actually looking forward to fall...cooler temps and pretty colors!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  9. You all look so cute with your shorter cuts and we know you feel much cooler!
    We can't wait for the cooler temps. We've had enough of the hot stuff!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. They look fabulous! Humidity is the pits, but we're getting walks in anyway. Sis gets to determine how long they are...

  11. Olá SUE, minha amiguinha querida.
    Estou feliz em ser sua amiga.
    Sou uma menininha também e muito algre em fazer amizades em todo o mundo e manter essa amizade com recadinhos aqui no BLOG.
    Amo receber e enviar recados.
    Obrigada pela sua visita.
    Volte sempre.
    Boa semana.
    Aus 1000 com amor da amiguinha do Brasil...


  12. Can't forget dinner.


  13. Looks like you're all enjoying your summer mini-camp! Best wishes to Samba; hope she feels good and stays strong!

    Jed & Abby
