Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Vet Report

Several of you have asked how everyone is feeling after our rash of illness and injury, so here's an up to date report.

Sky's foot has been fine since I removed the stone from under his pad. He never licked it again and is as good as new.

Tsar's insect bite is completely healed and the hair has grown in over it.

Fudge's red, itchy ear is fine now after increasing his antihistamines and cleaning the ear every day for a week. Keeping Morgan from licking it is the tricky part. This hot, humid weather is rough on long eared dogs. They need to get air to their ears to keep them dry and clean.

Samba has a mixed report. She finished her antibiotics for her bladder infection and is feeling much better. She has stopped her constant pacing and is sleeping thru the night.

Yesterday we saw Dr B for a follow up. We took a urine sample and it was much improved. Everything had come back to normal except that there was still some blood in her urine. She's taking a second round of antibiotics at a much higher dosage in hopes of knocking out the bacteria once and for all. If she still has blood in the urine after this, we'll have to test for a bladder stone. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Everyone is feeling well but restless. They can't wait for cooler weather to get here so they can run and play.


  1. Well, yay for all except I'm sorry Samba still isn't 100%. MJ's black and white sheltie is having his ... third? round with bladder stones. Mugsy only had one, which he passed with (I say?) relative ease. I'm hoping Samba's recovery favors Mugsy's.

  2. It's been Emergency Ward 10 in your house then?

  3. Great report overall - that must make you all feel very good.

    We are waiting for the cooler air too. It is a lot better than it has been, but we can't wait for fall.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  4. Thanks for the update. sounds like everything is under control though. wishing you some cooler weather.

    XXxoOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  5. Waiting for the Noah Show-ah! When will it be ready?

    Glad everyone is doing OK. How is Mom?


    Stella, Jo and Zkhat

  6. We are glad that things are looking up. I wish I could send you some of my cold weathers. It keeps raining and I'm tryin' to get a long enough clear patch so I can go for my walk!!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

  7. The report is sounding pretty good!
    We hope you guys get cooling temps soon. This summer has been way too hot!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch
