Thursday, September 22, 2011

Stylish Dogs

A couple years ago I entered a contest. The local animal shelter was offering a $50 prize for the best handmade dog sweater. Well I didn't win. I came in second, but it was so much fun that I made a lot more sweaters.

A dog sweater knits up pretty quickly, especially if you're knitting for a small dog.

You can get as fancy or as simple as you want.

You can knit in school colors. This one is the colors of the local college.

You can add fancy trims. This one has a 'fur' collar and crystal buttons. It should be worn with a jeweled choker.

 This is an afternoon lunch with the girls sweater. My Mom had a jacket that looked very similar.

I made several that didn't get photographed such as a red and white 'fur' jacket for a girl and a tuxedo for a boy for their New Year's party. I enjoyed making ruffles, so I made several ruffled sweaters.

Chan, this is the one I had in mind for Gretchen if you think it'll fit. I'll send you the measurements.

It's also nice to have a warm cabled sweater for cold wintry days.

Dr B sold a number of my sweaters thru the grooming salon, but eventually sales dried up as the same customers were coming in again and again. I'm now trying to think of another outlet for our sweaters. They're too much fun to stop making them.


  1. What pretty doggie sweaters and great Christmas gifts! We love the pink cabled one the best! They're all just beautiful!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  2. You make me wish I had paid attention when my grandmother tried to teach me to knit.

    Have you thought about opening an Etsy shop?

  3. We must have the black with the fur around the neck for my Lily
    Benny & Lily

  4. How much for #1 or #7? Also measurments

  5. As you probably know, we sure don't need sweaters, but your creations are just beautiful. You should find a way to market those, especially with the huge little dog fashions out there now. They are really nice.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. We love the bone one and the pink one with the fancy collar! Too bad we have so much winter fur. Mom likes to put parkas on us in the winter, but it never gets that cold here and we get way to warm and dad says it looks silly for an Airedale to have a parka..BOL

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  7. Shoot me an e-mail ( ... I'm the merchandising manager with & we love your sweaters and don't have anything like 'em yet :)

  8. They are fabulous, I especially like the little lacey dresses up top. Someday I might have a little dog that will wear clothes......


  9. I looove those sweatews, you awe soo clevew I especially love that fiwst one(I've nevew seen that intewesting way of doing a skiwt..) so bootiful
    I think you should open an Etsy site and sell them
    Maybe someday We could owdew one fow me ..I think I'd be the most stylish giwl awound in it
    smoochie kisses

  10. Even from 300 miles away, I can hear little Gretchen howling for all of the pink sweaters! Those are really beautiful.

    We had a white Lab who got tangled up with a skunk one January, so we sent him to the Dog Wash, where he lost lots of his winter coat. So we bought him a sweater. Within 3 days, he had torn it off himself (and I had sewn it back on him twice), and was happily sitting on it. I guess only smaller dogs have much use for sweaters.

  11. Sue, what talent you have!!! I can't believe you didn't come in first because I can see the attention to detail in each sweater you've created and I love that you have them for all kinds of personalities too!!

  12. If you don't want to set up your own online business, maybe one of the other Blogville peeps with online stores would carry your beautiful sweaters on a consignment basis? Maybe you could do custom orders to size, too, for those with small doggies who wear sweaters. In fact, we have a new cousin who's a miniature schnauzer. What measurements would you need to knit a sweater for her and how much would it cost?

    Jed & Abby

  13. A certain little dog is snoozing at my hip, and I feel all inspired to knit her a new sweater all of a sudden!

  14. There is something odd about the doggies in those pictures, but I can't quite put my paw on it.


  15. So cute. THe pink lace and the cables as well as the black with the fluffy collar all so cute. The little dogs really get all the fun stuff don't they.

  16. They are so cute!! Have you considered opening up an Etsy shop?

  17. Oh those are some of the cutest little sweaters! Definitely find another outlet... :)

  18. OMgoodness!!!!!!!!!!!! luv, Luv, LUV the sweaters!!
