Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We're Water Dogs and this afternoon Dad turned on the hose. You know what that means to a Water Dog? Fun!
First he propped the hose up on the tower so that it was spraying into the air. He and Mom stood back to see if we'd notice. Silly humans.

Tess was the first to notice and she tried to bite the water.

Norma Jean wanted to play, too.

Noah was standing downhill where the water was falling and he was jumping around trying to snatch the drops out of the air before they hit the ground.
That wasn't good enough and he came to grab the water out of the hose.

Samba wanted to get in on the action.

Pretty soon Dad decided to move the hose. Samba and Norma Jean helped him by leading him to the wading pool.

Look at this action. We're all proven swimmers now and we all wanted to get in the pool at the same time.

The pool isn't as big as the lake and only a couple of us could get in together.

We tried to all squeeze in together, but then nobody had room to splash.

Sky and Tsar stayed away from the water and Morgan was busy chewing a stick, but Fudge came to play with us.

This was so much fun.

Can we do it again tomorrow, Dad?


  1. We be he First Dog doesn't have nearly as much fun as you guys do!!

  2. looks like lots of fun!

    <3 Daisy Boo

  3. Oh I hope you are on for tomorrow, maybe work a third day in too.

    You guys have so much fun!


  4. Dad sure knows how to have fun!!
    Benny & Lily

  5. BOy oh BOy
    What fun!!!!1
    I hope you all get to do that evewy day that the weathew allows
    I can just see the joy in all youw faces and bodies.
    smoochie kisses

  6. Wow! A bunch of wet dogs. It's a good thing you don't smell like wet dog when you are wet. My pack would all stink to high heaven!! g

  7. Looks like you're cramming in as much summer funballs as you can; good idea! Before you know it, we'll be complaining about all the snow. Well, the peeps will -- we like it. Keep on splashing!

    Jed & Abby

  8. Isn't it just totally amazing how much fun can be had with just a hose??? LOVE this post...soooo much fun for the dogs!! We could watch all day!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  9. You guys definitely have to ask Santa for a bigger swimming pool! What fun you were all having!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  10. We think you need a bigger pool!! But it looks like fun just the same.

    The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy

  11. Mugsy loved to bite at the water hose/spray. The girls? Not so much...

  12. hahah That looks like a lot of fun. Though I think you all need a bigger pool!

  13. That sure looks a lot of fun! How are you doing?!

    Sorry we have not been around much but we do try to visit more often and we are working on get our Mom to post more. We hope you are all well.

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
