Thursday, September 1, 2011

When Is Fall Going To Be Here?

It's been very hot here for months. Today's forecast was for 102 degrees. It's been hot for months and dry, too. It's so hot and dry that what little grass we used to have is now brown and crispy.
The dogs have all been getting baths and haircuts and are looking nice and cool and clean. Till today.
 When we went out this afternoon, they started lining up to roll in the dirt.
Bailey came back for several turns.
Noah got into the fun, too.

Tess didn't want to miss out.
Samba took a turn.
When Bailey came back for her third turn at rolling I decided to see what the attraction was. It turned out that they were rolling on an old dead lizard that had baked in the sun. What dirty dogs they are!
I think we need to turn the hose on and let them play in some water after dinner. That way they'll be dry by bedtime.


  1. Poor babies that is way to hot. You must be melting with those fur coats on
    Benny & Lily

  2. Just typical! Dogs can always be relied upon to roll in something smelly!

  3. Sounds like a good plan, plus the added benefit of cooling them down. It has been miserable here now for two days, one more coming, and then they say we will cool down - please let them be right.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  4. Well, at least they were all nicely taking turns!! :-)))

  5. It has been sooooo hot this year!! We sure enjoyed your pics and we are looking VERY forward to Fall!

  6. A dried lizard......bonus! We just enjoy the plain old dirt.

    XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella

  7. HAhaha... Gretchen, Sissy and I have had MANY chats about how/why some gross dead thing makes good perfume -- because it doesn't, not to this human's nose!

  8. It feels like fall has already come to the PNW and Im still hoping for a few more days of summer! Granted our summer is not nearly as hot as yours!

  9. I hope they enjoy the water! It's not even gotten to 75 here in nearly 2 weeks.

  10. Whoaaa... that is hot! We haven't had it that hot here, in fact we are wondering what happened to Summer and here it is almost Fall. Not ready for that yet...

  11. Gosh, we don't want to jinx ourselves but ever since Irene left town, our weather has been a 10 every single day - gorgeous blue skies, no humidity and cool nights for sleeping. We hope it stays that way for us and we hope it comes your way!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch
