Thursday, October 27, 2011


This afternoon Cloud flew across the Rainbow Bridge.

Her friend Holly started screeching and wouldn't stop. When I went to see what was bothering her, I found that Cloud had died. Holly is still very upset.
I don't remember exactly how old Cloud was, but I believe she was about nine years old. We will miss her sweet song in the mornings. Rest in peace little Cloudy one.


  1. Dear Sue and Family,

    We're so sad to read about Cloud crossing the Bridge. We're sending comforting thoughts to all of you and to Holly.

    Sad wags,
    Zona and Mom

  2. Oh Sue... I'm sorry. Wishing peace and comfort, especially for Holly.

  3. So sorry to hear about your little Cloud. Sending prayers to your family, especially her little buddy.

  4. Hi All, sorry to hear about little Cloud going to the Rainbow Bridge. Sending hugs to everyone. Love Stella and Rory

  5. I am so sorry to hear about Cloud. Fly free dear Cloud ...sending lots of love to you and Holly.

    Your pal, Pip

  6. OH dear, that is so sad. We hope Holly will be OK.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. I'm so sorry to hear that news, I'm praying for your strength and comfort for your Family!


    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  8. oh Sue I am so sorry. We send our prayers to your family.

  9. Condolences to you and to Holly. Were they the same age? Hard to lose a life long pal.


  10. That's sad about Cloud and also that Holly has lost her friend. And after such a happy birthday.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

  11. OH Sue, I'm so sorry. I hope Holly finds comfort soon. g

  12. We're so sorry to hear about Cloud. Our hearts go out to all of you, especially Holly.

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  13. I am so sorry. Poor little Holly! My oldest daughter keeps birdies, and they stayed here for the summer while she hunted for a permanent apartment. I loved their songs. I know you and Holly will miss Cloud.

  14. Oh so very sorry. Holly must be so sad. Hope she is eating and all. My ernie lived to be 14......
    God Bless Cloud
