Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Santa's Work Shop

Today Rob and I went to Santa's work shop, aka the Disabled American Vet's Thrift Store.
For $18, the price of two toys at Petsmart, we came home with a big black trash bag full of toys for the pack for Christmas.

We found a huge bunny for Lola.

Two big floppy dogs, both with embroidered eyes, so they don't need to have any hard parts removed.

A frog, just the right size for Morgan.

A cute little cow.

A funny looking lamb that just might wind up in my toy collection.

And two monkeys for Bailey. her favorite pal is looking pretty worn out these days and I'm hoping she chooses one of these to be her new best friend.

It was a pretty good haul and all of our dogs except Samba enjoy playing with stuffed toys, so this Christmas they'll have lots of new friends to play with.
I'm starting to feel the holiday spirit. I hope I can hang on to it for another month. Have you started your shopping yet?


  1. A great place to shop. Mom has gotten us lots of toys at thrift shops. Stuffie Baby soft toys with embroidered eyes. We get so excited when she comes home with them.Exciting. Know you pups will totally have fun!!!

  2. Hi Everybuddy, our mum shops at Op Shops too and we get the best bargains. We want her to go again cause our toys are really getting worn out. Great idea for Christmas. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  3. I refuse to do Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving is over... But, I'll admit that I did already make the dogs some Christmas collars, and we went and got our Christmas pictures taken

  4. Yup, stuffies die so quick here we love to pick them up at those stores!

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. Yes - my mum has discovered the joys of the thrift shops too - my 50 cent blue octopus is my most favourite to date! Well Done on your haul!

    Tail Wuggles, Rubie

  6. We love those shops. We'll have to visit for Roxy because she loves destuffing toys.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra, Bella & Roxy

  7. What nice big stuffies! Who wouldn't want to receive one of those!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  8. I have started my shopping. With my only sibling AND my husband having December birthdays, I have to start early and often.

  9. I'm so glad you, I mean Santa, have/has found toys for the kids! I can't even think about Christmas yet.

  10. Not sure if Santa is coming to me... but I've been good and nice and worked hard so don't think he will forget me... he can even get down our chimney... I promise not to eat all the mince pies and carrots for his deer
    :-) Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  11. I LOVE your finds. So perfect for the dogs.

    I have started some shopping at the local craft fair.....

    I have some good ideas
    and I have 3 minus 1/2 cowls to knit before the big Day 12/25

  12. What an excellent haul! Be sure and act surprised when you open them at Christmas. Mama has started thinking about Christmas, but that's all. We think she needs to get busy.

    Jed & Abby

  13. That's quite a haul! You're going to have some very happy pups on Christmas morning!

    Sorry it's been so long since I've been online. Busy, busy, busy. I'm thankful to be working, but sooooo tired of working 7 days a week. Everyone is fine here, and I am hoping to post soon. In the meantime I am catching up on everyone's blogs a little bit at a time. I'm so sorry to hear about Cloud. Hopefully the Blues Brothers will make good neighbors for Holly! I'm glad that your gang is doing well, and hope Morgan's knee continues to heal.

  14. Looks like you guys are ready fur Christmas!
    Guess I should start my Christmas shopping soon :)

  15. Don't they tear those to bits? What a wonderful pile. I haven't started shopping, but am still knitting for Maggie....decided not to do the horse for the neighbour- too difficult.

  16. wow, what lucky pups and how lucky for you to have a shop like that nearby! Our pet shop is great but quite expensive

  17. Oh I try so hard not to shop. Beau would love to have any of those toys. We usually shop garage sales over the summer and Beau will pick his favorite and carry it halfway home. g

  18. Looks like your haul needs a santa sack to contain it? I'm having a giveaway tomorrow - I really hope you will be able to join in.

  19. hi to all theportuguesewaterblog.blogspot.comers this is my frst post and thought i would say hi -
    thank yous speak soon
