Monday, December 19, 2011

Smelly Holidays

Hi everybody, it's me again. Mom has been busy getting ready for Christmas, so she lets me write the blog. Besides I have lots of interesting things to tell you.
Today we were very busy dogs. We made Christmas cookies. You start with stuff called dough. It smells great, but you can't eat it until it's cooked.
Mom did the measuring and Dad helped her mix because she has a sore hand. We helped by licking the spoon.

Tsar wouldn't lick the spoon because he thinks everyone is trying to poison him. What a goofball!

Dad did the rolling out part because Mom doesn't like to do it. She says she gets bored. How can you get bored with cookies?
We helped by keeping Dad company.
Even Tsar was interested in that part.
Then Mom put the cookies in the oven and we had to wait and smell them cooking.
Finally they were done. First we made dog cookies. Two kinds! We made apple peanut butter cookies and gingerbread cookies. Oh wow do they ever smell good!
After the dog cookies were done we made people cookies, gingerbread ones. Mom has become very hungry for gingerbread lately so we made some just for her and look what we made...
Portuguese Gingerbread Dogs!
We made lots of them so Mom can have all she wants. 
Making cookies takes a long time, but after dinner tonight we each got to have one of our own homemade Christmas cookies and they were sure good.


  1. Your treats look delicious!!! I won't show this post to my pups, they think all treats come out of a bag! :-))

  2. The best part of the holidays in our doggie opinions..haha! Love those PWD cookie cutters!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  3. oh do they look good. At least you got to taste the batter
    Benny & Lily

  4. MMMM. Looks like a full-belly kind of day at your house. You all must have enjoyed yourselves!

    Particularly love the Portuguese Gingerbread Cookies and think they would look awesome topped with frosting in Porti colors!

  5. if a PWD eats a PWGingerbread is that canabilism?

    I like baking cookies too - but I'm not very good at it. g

  6. You guys sure had an excellent day! Licking the spoon is the best!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  7. Licking the spoon is almost as much fun as eating the cookies.

    Your pal, Pip

  8. Yummy!! I love gingerbread cookies, and what fun that it's shaped like a PWD!!

  9. Your mom is a great lady to make you cookies! I don't even make cookies for my kids; the sisters have to make them for the brothers! So glad you guys got to help.

  10. Hi Everybuddy, we are so darn jealous cause our lazy mum won't make us biscuits!! She says it will be her New Year resolution to make us some. We hope so. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  11. Portuguese Gingerbread Dogs....great!

    You did a terrific job cleaning up the spoon and floor!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. our gingerbread cookies from Trader Joe's are all gone, and the store is completely sold out until next year. We think the Momster needs to make us some too - any hints as to how we can get her baking? She loves ginger cookies too, but she says they always seem to be hard on the tummy - maybe the molasses?

    Enjoy your goodies.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  13. Love the idea of Porty Cookies!!! That's great!!! Love the spoon licking too! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  14. those look awesome

    Stop on by for a visit
