Saturday, January 7, 2012


When you do too much of this....

You start seeing this.......

We present this as a public service to our readers. We've seen deer, turkeys, chickens, raccoons, opossums, cows and horses in our yard, but we've never before today seen one of these. We're pretty sure it's because Mom has spent too much time playing the bird game lately.

So if your Mom or Dad spends a lot of time with these guys...
Watch Out!!
Your Pal, Fudge


  1. Is that in your yard??? Dadaw's BFF - Uncle Cal of the treat debaucle - had a sow in his yard...

  2. R mamaz is alwayz doin dat wordz with da frendz thing....


  3. I hope those things don't follow parakeets around, because if they do, we are SOOOOO sunk when lawyer daughter brings her birds to visit!

    And she's opened her practice just outside Philadelphia. We have high hopes for her success!

  4. Oh no, our humans (all six of them) are guilty of spending too much time with that game. Does that increase our chances of seeing some of those?? We certainly hope not!!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  5. Yep...we have a real problem with those birds and pigs and things!!! Thanks for the warning though!!! We fear it is TOO LATE!!! Yikes!!

  6. Mom LUVS da Angry Birds! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  7. The Momster here loves Angry Birds too - guess we had best start doing a better job with our perimeter checks - we don't need one of those things here either.

    Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  8. Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! and thanks for the warning...I'm trying to avoid that new fangled look myself :)

  9. Hi Everybuddy, one of our sissys loves that game. We'd better watch out. Thanks for the warning. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  10. I love those! My raiser has 2 in our "yard" :)


  11. Was there really a pig in your yard? That's funny. Our mom plays that game too - but she's not very good. g

  12. It's me again! Just in case you have been asking why don't I offer money for using your dog photo - Zazzle just mad me a pro seller and that means I made 100 3 years. :( Well, maybe PWD will bring me luck in business!

  13. Hello Sue!...Thanks so much for calling by my blog today....I hope you have had a great start to 2012 and look forward to visiting you through the year!
    Susan x

  14. Do the birds bring animals like that OR did your M & D bring home a new pet??Our Mom tried that bird game.... hasn't done too well so maybe we are lucky..

  15. No angry birds here :-)
    Just lots of love and arms around you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
