Monday, February 27, 2012


Today's is a really quick post due to a lack of sleep last night. With two dogs on prednisone I expect to get up during the night for trips outside to pee, but I need to get them synchronized. It seems that after a trip out with Tsar I'd just get back to sleep when Samba would be at the side of the bed asking to go out. After the third trip out I never did get back to sleep and today I'm wandering around half awake.
Anyway, Tsar went to visit Dr B this morning and we now have a tentative diagnosis. The reason it's tentative is that we would need a spinal tap and MRI to confirm it and I've ruled that out. But here it is... Granulomatous Meningoencephalitis! It doesn't trip off the tongue so we'll refer to it as GME from now on.
His symptoms are those of the disorder and hopefully we can keep it under control with prednisone. He's showing a little improvement every day and we're going to proceed watchfully and make the most of every day.


  1. You are such a handsome boy, Tsar. I just love your powty lower lip! My paws are crossed that the prednisone will be a blessing for a good long time.

    Love ya lots,

  2. sometimes it feels better just to have something to work with, doesn't it?

    Stop on by for a visit

  3. Lilly over at Champion of my Heart has been dealing with this I think. Hers was brought on by a rabies vaccine.
    There are a number of posts before and after this one...

    Our paws remain crossed!

  4. Forward progress at whatever pace suits you, Tsar. I agree with your mom. Spinal tap and MRI? No way. Not for me either.


  5. Wow, that's a mouth full! We're off to read all about it. Glad it seems treatable. Tsar is looking better. Hope you get to sleep tonight.

    Read Rottrover's comment. Not that it matters necessarily, but any idea how Tsar got it?

    Jed & Abby

  6. We read a bit about that GME and it does sound a lot like what Tsar exhibits. We hope you can find the magic potion for the prednisone. So sorry you have all that bother at night, but maybe Tsar and the others will let you get some naps in during the day.

    Woos- Phantom. Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. Wishing you synchronized wake-ups tonight, and a good nap tomorrow.

    I'd ask you to smooch Tsar on that cute pouty lip, but I have a feeling he'd much rather you just tell him we're still sending good vibes for him and for Samba... and for you and the rest of the pack too.

    Luckily, Gg had a full-blown stressed out fit at the vet's. I'll blog about it tomorrow. New to us vet is JUST what Gg needs, and has Sissy's number too. It's good to have someone who thinks Sissy needs to learn to NOT be the center of attention for at least a few minutes at a time...

  8. Off to read about it, paws still crossed
    Dachshund Nola

  9. Well, I am glad Tsar is showing some improvement and that you have an idea of what might be causing his symptoms. I have never heard of GME before, but wonder if it might be what our cat Tommy had as well. The vet suspected that he had a brain tumor, but we never knew for sure because we chose not to put him through invasive procedures because he was 16 when his symptoms first appeared.

    I hope Tsar continues to feel better and that you get some sleep!

  10. Tsar, you just keep on plodding along, slow and steady, mate. Spinal Tap? No way. We think you made a great choice too. Paws crossed here for all not well in your lovely family. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  11. we went through that with my Lily
    Benny & Lily

  12. We know too well, and we also love that lip!!!!Crossing our paws here!
    Watch for Cushings symptoms when on the meds for a long time, Angus is dealing with that now..but hey at 13, he sez he can handle it!
    Hugs, from NEBS and the menagerie

  13. Sounds like the best play.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  14. As I said privately via email, all of us here are so sad to hear of Tsar's diagnosis. Those of us with dogs whose brains have gone kerplunk will have to stick together. Is there a way to subscribe via email so that we don't miss an update?

  15. Yay for improvement... BOO for lack of sleep!

  16. Hang in there Tsar! We are most happy to hear that the meds are helping some!

  17. Hi to Stella's BFF! We are so happy he is showing some improvement His chinny chin chin looks whiter to me, though, but that is small potatoes, isn't it?

    Did you ask your Vet about his unwillingness to stick his head in a bowl and only eating off a plate?

    I send hugs and love to all, humans and pups,

    Jo (along with Stella and Zkhat)

  18. I've been swamped with work and a newly crawling baby but I keep popping over to check on Tsar. I'm so glad he's showing improvement. Please keep the updates coming!! He and you all are in our prayers!! (I sympathize with you on walking around so tired!!)

    Zona's mom

  19. At least there is a diagnosis, and the Prednisone is helping. A good night's sleep is highly overrated, anyway! LOL
