Friday, March 16, 2012

Come Party With Us

Today is a warm, sunny, almost spring day. A perfect day for a party. What shall we celebrate? It's Samba's tenth birthday today. It certainly seems like last week that we drove to Kansas City to meet her plane, but here we are ten years and nine pups later. Come join us. Today we have mini cinnamon buns on the menu.
The whole pack joined in today. Here you can see Morgan's injured leg. She's getting around well on it and has only a slight limp.
Fudge and some of the others each want to be first to get their treat.
Rob has to remind everybody to be on their good behavior.
Look how nicely they're all sitting.
Samba, as the birthday girl, got to enjoy hers first.
Everybody waited for their turn. Notice that Tsar is right in the midst of the group. He didn't want to miss anything.
Everyone agreed that cinnamon buns are just as good, maybe even better than cupcakes.
Here's a short video showing Tsar moving around the back yard. You can see that he's doing well getting around. Considering the severity of his condition, he's had a pretty good week. We're hoping for many more of them.
Thanks for joining us at our party.


  1. WOWZERZ! That pawty looked like a furry much fun-time - wish we Beaglebratz had bin there - we wooda bin rite in the middle of all. Happy Barkday Samba! Tsar iz lookin'like he iz enjoyin'the day.
    Shiloh'n Shasta

  2. What a joyous post! Happy birthday, Samba! Happy healing, Morgan, and very happy holding the course and then some, Tsar. I'm so glad you truly enjoyed the party.

  3. Happy Birthday, Samba! It's nice that everyone came to the party, even Tsar! Good to see both Tsar and Morgan doing quite well, considering how poorly they were doing not very long ago. That must have made it an especially happy celebration!

  4. Happy Birthday, Samba! You know I never miss a party! I would love to have one of those yummy buns!

    Tsar looks great in the video!

    Your pal, Pip

  5. Happy birthday, Samba! Cinnamon buns! yummmmmmm
    Lookin' good, Morgan and Tsar!

    Love ya lots,

  6. He does look good. And we could see a little of Morgan's limp. Looks like everyone enjoyed the party.

    We always love seeing everybody sitting--waiting for treats.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. look at all those kids, BOl
    Benny & Lily

  8. Happy Birthday, Samba! What a wonderful party. Good to see Morgan and Tsar right in the thick of things and having a good time. And everyone else, of course.

    Jed & Abby

  9. Wow! That's a houseful. I'm glad to see some Tsar video. We'll be posting some new Lilly videos soon. Our neurologist told me it was OK to try Lilly on some agility tasks, even though she is still neurologically compromised. Let's just say ... some of the jumps are better than others. ;o)

  10. Wow-Samba's 10! I can't believe it. Happy birthday!

  11. Happy Tenth Birthday, Samba - you have a wonderful family. And you sure know how to have some great party treats. Mom is right,Tsar is looking good. Paws crossed for lots more time.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Huge Happy Birthday greetings to Samba!!! What fun that party was! We sure do wish we could have attended...lots of fun with all of those pups!! Glad that Morgan's feeling better and Tsar looks pretty good too! We love Cinnamon Buns!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  13. Zeus just told me he wants to come to one of your parties... he thinks the cinnamon buns look delish and he happened to notice there's not little puppy there driving all your kids nuts.. :)

  14. Happy Birthday Samba. What a great treat for you all. We loved the video of your family. They all look so happy. Tsar, you are looking good. Take care everybuddy. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  15. happy 10th birthday, Samba! and what a great party. we think that cinnamon buns sound so yummy. we've never had them, but we just know.

    we liked seeing you fluffers in your video. something about seeing lots of happy dogs together makes our human's heart get all warm and fuzzy. it's a good thing, since there are soon to be 6 in our pack.

    we didn't notice anything wrong with Tsar. we haven't been keeping up with the blogs. bad us. maybe we'll get better.


  16. Awww, so glad they were all able to celebrate Samba's tenth b'day! and glad to hear Tsar has had a good week...still thinking of him!

  17. ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAMBA!!*´¨)It looks like a fun celebration with everything, including great 'eats!!' :-)

  18. Oh my goodness, it must be a delight to be surrounding by all that love!

  19. So cute the way they all sat and waited for the cookie!
