Friday, March 30, 2012

Isn't Spring Pretty? A-choo!

The calendar says it's still March but nobody told the trees and flowering plants. This year our trees are at least a month early. Our Crepe Myrtle which doesn't usually wake up till May is already leafed out.
We're loving all the beautiful flowering trees. These Crabapples opened last weekend.
This is my confused Crabapple tree. For reasons unknown, someone grafted a branch of a different type tree onto this sapling and now we have this interesting mixture of flowers and different sized fruit later in the summer.
This is my favorite. This is a Kwanzan Cherry. I love the bunches of pink flowers.
 There are lots of these trees at the Baltimore Inner Harbor. That's where I first saw them and I needed some for my yard. So far I only have one, but that's going to change.

The Vinca around the front steps is in bloom. This even grows under the porch so if you need a good shade plant. It spreads like crazy, so plan ahead.
Norma Jean says it's nice to lie under the trees, but her Mom says it makes one sneeze a lot.
Today for those of you who have asked I'm starting a weekly monitor for Tsar. This past week was a pretty good one after having a not so good one.  This week gets an up arrow.
Today he was able to stand up with no help and has been asking to walk around the yard. He has a good appetite and has been barking at the other dogs. Best of all, last night he flushed a bunny out of the hedge and tried to give chase. That'll always pick up a dog's spirits.


  1. Love the pretty purple up arrow. That's the best image of 'em all... not that the blooms aren't nice!

  2. Oh, those trees are just so very beautiful!!! And we are so happy to hear about a good week for Tsar. Phantom's week has been up and down, but Mom thinks it has a lot to do with the storms in the area.

    Mom adds that the most important thing a coffee pot can do for her is make a good HOT cup of coffee, not an easy asset to find.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  3. Your flowering trees are just gorgeous, Sue!
    Yeaaaaaaaaa for you, Tsar!

    Love ya lots,

  4. Spring is just busting out all over in your garden. It looks gorgeous.

    Hope Tsar has another up arrow week!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. Its been way cold here the last week or two, so no flowers on the crab tree, and I've left the little plants along side the house covered up until we get some regular sunshine. (We don't know when that might be.

    Cheers for BFF Tsar and a good week, we are hoping for many more!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. We haven't got to achoo time yet- I am just so relieved to see the gorgeous blossoms. Go Tsar GO!

  7. What lovely pictures of the myrtle and crab apple trees! I agree that the spring season has crept up on us very quickly but the main complaint is that allergy season has arrived very quickly as well.
    Thanks for the encouragement regarding Henry's recent thyroid issues. I nearly forgot that you wrote about the same issue with some of your dogs and I hope their battle is going well.

  8. The colours are wonderful, and Tsar looks quite chilled out, hope he improves some more.

  9. Wow! Such beauty surrounds you! :D Thank you for sharing such lovely blossoms :)

    So glad to hear Tsar is having a good week. Chased a rabbit! Pawsome! :D

    Waggin at ya,

  10. Beautiful photos! Tut & I have been ahhh-choooing a lot here lately!

  11. What a beautiful tree!

    Stop on by for a visit
