Saturday, April 21, 2012

Book Review

Mama Pajama Tells  A Story
 A collection of Writings About Dogs and Their Servants
By Patience Renzulli

I want to share a great little book with you. The best part is it was written by one of us, a dog blogger. I discovered the Patience Please blog when she left a comment on one of my posts. Since then I drop in regularly to check on her and her pack. You see Patience has a nine dog pack, as do I. When she wrote her book, she had eight Whippets and a Lab. No wonder I can relate so well to many of her stories.
This book has a little something for everyone. If you have a whole pack, you'll find lots of familiar adventures, such as trying to walk nine dogs at once. If you've tried showing or racing your dog, you'll recognize the people and events associated with those activities. If you have a single couch potato pet dog, you'll still find lots to laugh and cry over. You'll soon feel as if you know each of her dogs personally as she describes their personalities.

I started reading this the night that Tsar died. I was feeling sad and close to tears, but I actually found myself laughing out loud several times, especially when she explained "bungee walking". I bought the Kindle edition, but I think I need the hard copy on my dog shelf in the library. This book will always hold a reminder of Tsar for me.
If you've ever loved a dog, you'll find something in this book to enjoy.  It clearly was written with a sense of humor and abundant love.


  1. Oooh I like the look of this. Hope you're all okay with your beloved Tsar.

  2. We'll have to look that book up.

    HER kindle died--and SHE's not happy.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. It sounds like a great book. A good one that my mom person read recently is Charlie: A Love Story, by Barbara Lampert.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  4. Mom bought this book a couple of years ago and she just loves it! Patience is a brilliant writer!

    Love ya lots,

  5. Sounds like a good read. Thanks for telling us about it.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. Sounds like a pretty good read!
    Benny & Lily

  7. We don't own an e-book reader, so we hope this is available as an actual book. Sounds intriguing, and we can always use a good laugh.

    Jed & Abby

  8. I used to read Patience's blog daily and don't know what happened to it. I think she quit writing for a while and I lost my reader page. I will look her up again.

    Thanks, Sue, and cheers,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. I don't generally do well with dog books - I cry too easily - but I might have to try this one...

  10. I'm glad you found something to comfort you after your loss. It sounds like a good "real" book to have. My kids laugh at me for still buying "real" books, even with the Kindle. I bought myself 8 - and about 40 for kids and other relatives - at the last 2 used book sales. They never get lost when your electronic gadgets die.

  11. I love that there is one named Fat Charlie. I love whippets!
