Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Heart Is Broken

  Legacy's Tsar   
 November 14, 2001 to April 10, 2012



  1. So sorry for your loss..... words are just a small comfort to you at this time. What a wonderful life he had with you.

    Rubie and her mum xxx

  2. Oh Sue...sending hugs as you celebrate this boy's wonderful life. I'm so sorry for your loss.


  3. Oh Sue. Our hearts are breaking too. I am SO, SO sorry. I know there's truly nothing I can say that will bring much comfort.

  4. Rest in peace sweet boy

    Stop on by for a visit

  5. We are so sorry for your loss. Holding your in thoughts and paws. Sniffs, The HoundDogs and Mom

    P.S..Sissy let us know about your loss.

  6. I don't even know you but have followed your blog since I got a Portuguese water dog a year and a half ago. My heart goes out to you and I teared up knowing you have lost such a precious pup. I hope your kids bring joy to your heart as y'all mourn the loss of Tsar.

  7. I just saw your comment on Roxanne's blog and wanted to follow up, though we don't know each other and I'm sad to meet you this way. I'm so very sorry for your loss.

  8. So sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you.

    Reggie and Lola

  9. My heart is broken too. Just yesterday I re-read A Day in the LIfe of Tsar and he was such a rare and wonderful character. He tried so hard to overcome this thing that took him away from us.

    How can I ever tell Stella? We will just have to sing some songs for him, we know he will be joining in wherever he is.

    Love and hugs,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  10. oh no, i am so very sorry for your loss. I know the pain only too well. sending you hugs from northern NY.

  11. We are so so very sorry Sue. Tsar is indeed a very special family fellow... and friend. He shall be missed by all of us here. We hold you in our thoughts and prayers.

    Run free sweet boy.


  12. Head bowed and paws crossed, soft husky wooos,


  13. As I told you in an email, I was at the eye doctor's office when I saw the title of your post on my phone. I am so very sorry for your loss, but I know you did what was best for Tsar. Phantom and the rest of the pack send their good thoughts too.

    Hugs, Kathie

  14. Every time I clicked on your post I kept expecting this news as he has been so poorly.

    I have tears in my eyes for you and Tsar as I type. I am so sorry!

  15. Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm crying for you right now. Tsar was greatly loved from afar, and I will miss him terribly.

  16. Sue, I'm so sorry. I'm glad Tsar got to enjoy his Easter Treat hunt. My heart is breaking for you darlin'. Take care. g

  17. Sue,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Holding you close to my heart...

    Blessings and Love,
    Janelle. Maggie Mae and Max

  18. Oh my gosh Sue... I am so very sorry to hear and sit here typing through tears. Much love and hugs to you. xoxoxo
    <3 Tsar <3

  19. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    How very lucky Tsar was to have such a wonderful home and life! We will miss reading about him.

    Sam and Pippen

  20. I'm so sorry to hear that... may Tsar rest in peace he'll always be alive in our memories... and in our hearts!


  21. Heard about your loss and just wanted to pass along my condolences. All of us are sending healing thoughts your way.

    Micro's Pack

  22. I'm so sorry...sending virtual hugs

  23. Oh no. We are so sorry and send you our sincere sympathy. We will remember Tsar with love. Hugs to all. Love Carol (and Stella and Rory)

  24. Followed from Chan....I am so very sorry.

  25. Im so sorry for your loss.
    Big hugs and giant Dane kisses from Seattle to all of you.

  26. I'm so sorry, Sue and Rob. My heart is breaking for the both of you. Tsar knew that he was loved. You did your very best. Godspeed, Tsar.

    Sue and Mitch

  27. Oh no , run free sweet Tsar
    Benny & Lily

  28. At the risk of being redundant from our email, we are so very sorry for your loss. Tsar was a grand old gentleman and he will be greatly missed. Our hearts ache for you. But we are also glad that Tsar had such a happy Easter and was able to enjoy his life with his pack right up until the end.

    Jed & Abby and mama ML

  29. Oh, this was not what I wanted to read but I came here to check on how Tsar was going. So sad for your loss Sue, I really am.Belinha

  30. We are very sorry for your loss.
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
    Lorenza and mom

  31. I had to run out for a LONG meeting, right after I saw your note. All of us here are so very sorry for your loss. Devastated really since Tsar's crossing hits so close to home. Nothing but love, light, and support in your time of grief.

  32. I am so so so very sorry for your lose Sue!!! I know what a great home you provide for your dogs!!!
    XX< Fern

  33. We are so sorry. We will mis Tsar too.

    Thinking of you all.
    Riley and his mum

  34. Just like everyone else, we are so sorry for your loss. Tsar was very, very loved and went to the bridge with a happy heart. Godspeed, Tsar. We'll miss you.

  35. Hello This is Rob. I don't know if I had not met Sue and thru her Libby if I ever would have become so wound up in the life of dogs. I don't feel comfortable if some part of the pack is not following me around. I have to learn to count to nine biscuts now instead of ten, not that anyone of them would refuse the extra one. Tsar was the Zen dog of our pack. He would often just sit on the hill and look out, calm, and absorbing all that he saw. He would notice the smallest change in the yard or a room, and immediately investigate. We will miss him the solitary dog with in the pack.

  36. My heart broke for you today too. I'd mentioned years ago how much Tsar looked like my Max who passed last September, so I cried a little for him, I cried a little for Tsar and some for you too. They never live long enough.

    WIshing you peace and great memories.
    Charlie Girl

  37. Oh, Sue. I am so sorry. There are no words that I can say that can take away your sorrow. We will miss Tsar.

    I'll be thinking of you and your family.

  38. Our deepest sympathy for your loss, we will miss you.

    Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

  39. I am a friend of Barbara at Sence of Humor- and I heard the sad news about Tsar.
    I wanted to tell you how sorry I am.
    I know you gave him the best home ever. Now your hearts are broken, so I will wrap my paws around your neck and send love to you. Blogville is surrounding you in love

  40. Oh Sue, we know when it's time and we know it's the right thing to do...but it doesn't make it any easier.

    We're sending hugs to all of you to help ease your sadness.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  41. Dear Sue and family, our hearts are heavy as we type this. Our thoughts snd prayers are with you all at this time. Rest in Peace Tsar...you will be loved forever. Hugs, Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

  42. So very sorry for your loss. We hope you take comfort knowing you gave Tsar a wonderful caring and loving home and that he is running and playing pain free with his pals across the Bridge.

    Sending you love and hugs,
    The Roo Family

  43. I think of Tsar at the Bridge, but I see him sitting under a big tree just before you get to the Bridge, looking carefully for sort of a quiet spot where he can reflect on things. OK, Ok, he sees some dogs he knows and is joining their small pack. He is having a little fun now, but he needs, he needs a good stick, so he starts looking. He finds just what he wants, comes back and lays down chewing the stick. His other pack-mates find sticks too and they start a chew fest. Nothing hurts him and he feels just fine now! Things are OK!

    Imagined by Jo, one of Tsar's BFF!

  44. I am so so sorry. You gave him a wonderful life... And he'll live on in all of our hearts.

  45. I just saw this post..I'm so sorry for your loss. We will be lighting a candle tonight and looking for Tsar's bright star in the skies.

    Winston, Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn

  46. I send my utmost sympathy. I'm glad he had the fun he did on the Easter hunt day.

  47. I'm sorry Sue. He was a lovely dog and quite the character. You did all you could and he had a great life.

  48. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. We are sending you lots of love and support across the miles. Run free, dear Tsar.

    Kristin & Pip

  49. I am so sorry for your loss. R.I.P. Tsar

  50. Oh gosh Sue. I came by to check on you, and had to back up to here in order to get the sad news.

    Sending love your way.

  51. So so sorry to just read about Tsar. We have been missing the blogville these past weeks... Our thoughts are with you all.

    Tsar is surely watching over all of you no matter what...

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie
