Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Climbing Out

It's May. Usually depression hits me during the fall so that by May I've been fighting it for several months and starting to come out of it. This year I did pretty well over the fall and winter months, but suddenly it hit me full on and knocked me down.
There are a few events that are beyond my control that are contributing to my current bout of depression. Yes, I am a control freak to some degree and when suddenly I feel things all around me getting away from me and uncertainty creeping in, I want to crawl into bed and cover my head. I want to play Rip Van Winkle, but this time I'm having trouble sleeping so I can't even escape in my dreams.

Sorry to trouble you with my situation, but I know that several of you fight depression too, so I know you understand and sympathize.
Summer is here in Missouri and this year our rose bush is having it's best year ever.
 Usually it puts out one or two flowers for the season, but this year it's covered.
Today it's hot and muggy so the dogs know what to do. Find a spot under a tree and wait till the silly humans let them back into the air conditioning.
I'll try to be cheerier next post.


  1. Hang in there... and feel free to lean this way when you need to. :)
    That's a mighty beautiful rose bush!

  2. Sue, shoot me an email with you telephone number if you need to talk - I'll be glad to call you any time.


  3. Sorry May has hit you so hard, but with recent events, it's understandable. Enjoy your rose bush, try to laugh at the Porties, and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. I am so sorry you are having a hard time. Sometimes sadness sneaks up on us ...sending you lots of happy vibes across the miles.

    Pip & Kristin

  5. Those roses and pups must make you feel a bit better.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. That's what blogville is all about. Sharing and caring and everything that comes inbetween. I hope you are feeling much better soon. Bet all your beautiful dogs are always ready for a hug if you need one. Take care. No worries, and love, Carol x

  7. I know the feeling. It is hard to fight it. I hope that you find your way out soon.

    Mango Momma

  8. We have been wondering if all is well there since you have been posting less. You have had a rough time of it now with so much going on with the dogs. We hope you will be feeling much better very soon. Hugs and we will be thinking of you.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning and Mom

  9. Hi Sue:

    I am a member of your club!

    I hope that now that you are back, you can stay with us. We miss you too much if you don't.

    Those roses are knockouts! So beautiful.


    Jo, Stella, Zkhat and RM

  10. We are thinking of you and sending good vibes. Sit outside in that beautiful garden
    Benny & Lily

  11. I understand the feeling all too well and am wishing you well...sometimes it just takes awhile to crawl out...your flowers are just beautiful. Sending along hugs!

  12. Drat. Sorry you're in a funk. Wishing you lots of smiles and happy moments soon! :)

    Waggin at ya,

  13. Sue - it's so easy to tell you what to do, but I do understand where you are coming from completely and I'm sorry. I hope you are able to climb out and enjoy the days again. g

  14. Sorry to hear you have not been feeling too well Sue and hope that low feeling lifts soon for you...
    Your flowers are so pretty...they never fail to lift my spirits...hope they do the same for you,
    Susan x

  15. You're right, I know all too well exactly how you feel. Hang in there and know that I'm sending good vibes from Virginia!!

  16. Your roses are just beautiful! (((hugs))) to you, Sue.

  17. Big, huge hugs coming your way...
