Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Let's Do It Again

Hi Everybody, it's me Fudge.
It's almost the end of May and several of our friends  have asked us about Bandana Day. For our new friends I'll explain. For the past three years we've celebrated Portugal Day on June 10th by dressing up with pretty bandanas or whatever else was available. 
The first year we wore blue. 

The second year we wore red.

The third year we wore green. 

All our friends dressed up in those colors and sent their pictures to us, then Mom posted everybody wearing their special colors and we got to meet lots f new friends.
This year Mom was feeling kind of sad so she wasn't going to do Bandana Day, but we changed her mind. We had a big meeting last night about it and decided it should be 'Wear Your Favorite Color Bandana Day'.

So here's what you do.
1. Dress up in your favorite color or whatever color you have handy. You can wear anything, it doesn't have to be a bandana. It can be a jacket or a hat or wrap up in a blanket of you want.

2. Have your human take your picture.

3. Send the picture to us at   wilcoxhall@ymail.com
    Include your name and where you live, State or Country.

On June 10th come look at our blog and see all the pretty pictures and go visit and make new friends.

We all look forward to seeing what colors you choose. We'll be like a rainbow. 

Mom says to tell you that everybody is invited to play including cats and birds and horses and cows or whatever.

Send in those pictures soon so Mom doesn't have to stay up all night posting them the night before the tenth.
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Yay pups for cheering your Mom up! We'll get our photos in soon...

  2. Howdy Everybuddy, this sounds like fun. We will get out thinking caps on and send you a photo. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  3. We're in! Mom says that she's going to try to get Molly to wear a hat!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  4. A brilliant idea! Way to push your mom!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  5. Oh I can't wait...I will have to take a photo of Hurricane with a fancy get-up! :) love it!

  6. We totally forgot about Bandana Day.. we'll be back with a picture.. or two :D

  7. Yay!! I just found a new tiara and some PANK beads yesterday...

  8. Yay, I think I did this the first year and it's time for another one- so will get on it soon. Yay!
