Friday, June 22, 2012

In The Cone Again

In the cone again.
I don't want to be in the cone again.
The life I love is running with my friends.
And here I am back in the cone again.

My apologies to Willie Nelson for the above.

Samba is wearing the cone again. At breakfast yesterday I noticed a red spot on her front foot. On closer examination I found a small growth of some sort. Thinking it might be a bite we called the vet and took her right in.
Dr B was out of the office so we saw a very nice doctor lady instead. She at first thought the thing on Samba's toe looked like a bite, but then decided it was a wart. The real problem was a sore place between her toes. The doctor opened it up expecting to find a grass or other foreign object, but instead it was a cyst. Ouch, imagine a cyst between your toes. No wonder Samba was chewing on it.

The doctor cleaned it out, then told us that it needs to be surgically removed. There's a catch. First it has to fill up again so they can remove the whole thing. She gave us antibiotics and a special spray to keep the toes from itching while we wait for it to fill up. It could be a matter of days or weeks, or with any real luck, maybe it won't fill up again. No, our luck doesn't work that way.

So now we wait and Samba wears the cone in the meantime to prevent ripping her foot apart.


  1. Oh poor Samba! That sounds awful!

    Hope you escape the dreaded cone soon.

    But howl along to a bit of Willie Nelson while you wait. Always makes things better in my experience.

    Love and licks, Winnie

  2. Oh no, poor Samba! That sounds painful and NO fun at all. Sending good vibes...

  3. Oh gosh, Samba, I am sorry! I have lots of warts - the doctor thinks they are just related to old age, but lately they have been bleeding (because I scratch them). My assistant rushed me to the vet last Saturday because I seemed so uncomfortable. It turns out I have a skin infection caused by a combination of allergies and scratching my warts. I am on antibiotics, too and I have to have medicated baths a couple times a week. Ugh! Hope you feel better soon!

    Your pal, Pip

  4. Bummer, Samba! It's always something, isn't it! We hope you lose the evil lampshade soon!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  5. I love these new soft cones...who came up with them? Brilliant.
    Good luck on healing the paw

  6. I think it is cute that you call her paw a foot...

  7. I think its cute that you seem to have one dog or another at the vet's at least 2 days a week. I do hope that Samba can just keep that cyst from filling up again, that would be the best thing. Otherwise, a good surgery!

    How is every body else these days??

    Jo, Stella, Zkhat

  8. I love the little song, but am sorry about the cone...Too bad you just can't put a shoe on that foot! :-)

  9. Sorry Samba, but we had to laugh at your mum's song. Hope that silly old cyst is soon gone. Take care mate. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  10. Ouch! Poor Samba -- and the Cone of Shame on top of it! Hope she's better soon!

  11. That just doesn't sound pleasant for anyone. Poor Samba... and poor Sue... and Sue's shins and...

    Crossed paws.

  12. Oh, Samba, one would almost think you like the cone, seeing how often they put it on you! Maybe Mom and the Lady Vet are confused and think it's a stylish hat?

  13. Oh man! Seriously. Ouchie, in the cone of shame, and now that cyst has to fill up again? Poor Samba.

    Mango Momma
