Saturday, September 1, 2012

It's Working !

The Power Of The Paw is working!

I had to let you all in on the news because you've all been so concerned  about Samba. She had a good day, the first in a long time.

 There has been no vomiting since Wednesday. Last night she slept thru the night.  This morning she ate breakfast without having to be spoon fed.

Mid morning, in the rain she had a better stool, not good, but much improved. Tonight she was eager for her dinner.

She's looking and acting better, showing interest in what's going on around her. And she's begging for her potato treats.

We're not past this illness and we could still have bad days ahead, but it looks like the antibiotic is working.
And the most important medicine of all is the outpouring of love and caring from the Power Of The Paw.


  1. What great news, Samba! Keep it up!

    Bart and Ruby

  2. Yay!! We'll do the Snoopy dance too, because we love to dance. Then, we'll retire to the sofa and cross paws some more, since it's working!

  3. We think it's the potatoes, yeah that it, got to be the great food!!!! Ok, loving too Mom!!!

    Your Furends
    Susie & Recliner Bites

  4. YEA!!!!!! Oh, that is marvelous!! I've been sendin' ya all the AireZens I could muster.
    POTP is a powerful thing ~ I'll be sendin' ya more, and more.
    Tell your Moms we're thinkin' of hers, and keepin' ya'll in our thoughts. We know how stressful a sick pup can be, and we are SOOOO happy you had a good day!



  5. We're sending more healing vibes. So happy she had a good day. You go Samba!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. What awesome news to wake up to! We continue to send you lots of AireZen, Samba!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. Awesome news. Go Samba!


  8. WhooHoo! Great news for Samba and for you. We like what SissySees said too. Ditto.

  9. Hooray for our girl, Samba!

    YEs, its the POP and Mom's TLC and the Vets X-PER-TISE and Samba's will, but you can't tell this Irish person those potatoes (spuds) weren't the frosting on the cake!

    Cheers and hugs,
    Jo ,Stella and Zkhat

  10. IT WORKS :-)
    Hope you got some sleep too Sue...
    Lots of love for Samba from Frankie de tabby... AND COMPANY
    :-) X X X

  11. Taters, Taters and more Taters please. The POP does work also!!!

    Susie & Bites

  12. I am so relieved that Samba is feeling better. I think of you and your group often and miss you terribly.


  13. I am very happy too!
    Paws still crossed here!
    Kisses and hugs

  14. Yay, Samba! She & Jed are kindred spirits for sure. We're keeping our paws crossed for her.

    And Abby is muy simpatico to Sebastian's attitude towards getting wet. Guess they're kindred spirits, too.

    Jed & Abby

  15. That's great. I hope Samba continues to do well.
    (Love the idea of the potato treats, btw.)

  16. I hate it when dogs are sick. They suffer with such patience and dignity and so often we an do nothing to help.

    I hope Samba hs turned the corner and is well on the way to recovery.

    Thank you for visiting my blog. (which is temporarily dog-free, curse it)

  17. Woot, Woot! We are dancing in the rain up here in NH for Samba!
