Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy Feet

I've always loved to go barefoot. The first thing I do when I get home is kick off my shoes and when I lived in Myrtle Beach, I only slipped into sandals when necessary for work or shopping or some special occasion.
I still go barefoot most of the time in the house but I usually wear shoes outside because of the nasty bugs that live around here. I have found that my feet seem to be a temperature gauge for the rest of me. If my feet are too hot, I'm in misery. If my feet are too cold, my whole body feels cold.

At night I love crawling into cool sheets with a cool pillow, but my feet need to be warm or I can't sleep. I do have a perfect way of warming my feet in bed without startling Rob by placing icy toes on his warm back. It's very easy to persuade a dog or two or three to sleep at the foot of the bed so I can wiggle my toes under them to get warm. Morgan is great for this because she turns to lead when she's on the bed and I can work my whole foot under her without hearing a peep from her. Fudge, on the other hand, complains if I so much as wiggle a toe.
Now that autumn has arrived the mornings and evenings are cool and I'm happy to pull on a jacket for morning feedings and late night outings. I guess it's time to give up on my pick sneakers that I've pulled on most of the summer.
It's time for some warmer shoes and I found just the ones. First are my beautiful new Cape Clogs. These are bright and cheerful with gerbera daisies painted all over them. I won these on a giveaway drawing at the Lapdog Blog. You should all go visit the Lapdogs because Nichole currently has a giveaway for a wonderful knitting bag. I can hear some of you saying, "I don't need a knitting bag, I don't knit." Well go over and leave a comment anyway. If you win, you can always send it to me and I'll write a glowing blog post about your generosity.
Last week I browsed thru a shoe store and found these. Don't they look warm and comfy? I used to hate shopping for shoes and if I needed a pair I'd buy several at one time, often the same style in different colors. Something happened a few years ago and I began to love buying shoes.
I found these for slipping into quickly if I need to rush outside. Sometimes a sick dog can't wait while I stop to tie my shoes. Are you noticing a trend? I really like suede and fur and soft fuzzy things. You may have already figured that out since I have ten soft fuzzy dogs, but I also like soft fuzzy shoes and jackets.
For really cold winter nights when it's too cold to go barefoot, these are my favorite slippers. They're boot style and very warm.
They also have this little pocket that holds a sachet so I can smell my favorite fragrance wherever I go. I currently have a lavender sachet in the pocket, but I think I'll replace it with vanilla.
Yes, this winter I plan to have happy feet no matter how cold it gets.


  1. Dogs do make the best footwarmers on a cold night :-)

  2. Love those slip in shoes...necessary for people who love barefeet.

    We're not very good foot warmers...being scotties, we don't cuddle much.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. I have to wear socks to bed, or my feet freeze!

  4. Yes us doggies are the bestest foot warmers, except Bites, Dad says he is nothing but a bed hog every morning, and sometimes he even lays his head on Dad,s pillow and breathes into Dad's face, Heeheehee. Mom loved looking at the shoe pics, said something about going to buy her some warm new house shoes!!!!

  5. Your Cape Clogs are beautiful and so cheerful! Our mom hates shopping for clothes but doesn't mind shopping for shoes at all!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  6. OMD! Ma just LOVES the daisy clogs and the furry slippers!! Although, she's not sure I would leave them see, I have a thing for feet. Always have. And, if Ma puts on a new pair of ANYTHIN' I have to attack em'! Who knows what those things are doin' to my Ma's feet!!
    Anyhu, I totally approve of your shoes choices!! Just like my Ma would make!



  7. I don't like to wear shoes and socks either. And I absolutely can't sleep in socks no matter how cold!

  8. My feet are much like yours; if they're comfy, I'm comfy. Fred would leave the bed and get on his own bed if anyone bothered him at all, but my fur-girls are big cuddlers, and Sissy is my personal heating blob!

  9. What a great post! I need happy feet!! If the feet aren't happy, the rest of me isn't either! Love those cute shoes with the flowers....and the fuzzy ones!!

  10. those slippers sure look comfy
    Benny & Lily

  11. Oh I LOVE the daisy Cape Clogs! Congrats again! I love your new finds and warm fuzzy slippers too. Happy Feet = Happy Lady!
