Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Christmas Present

When I was a little girl my grandmother liked to find ways to keep me busy. At this time of year she would hand me the Sears Roebuck catalog and a pen and tell me to circle what I wanted Santa to bring me. This was an all day or even two day project as I got busy circling almost every item in the catalog.

When I was a bit older my Mom would ask me and my siblings to make a list for her. She usually gave us something from our list.
Most years Rob asks me what I want for Christmas and I sometimes have a hard time coming up with an answer.

This year, it seems that I won't have to think up anything, my dogs have taken care of that for me. Fudge is still wearing a cone to protect his eye, but the eye is looking much better today. He gets warm compresses on his eye several times a day and loves that treatment. He still gets eyedrops three times a day and I still give him a pain pill at night to help him, and everyone else, sleep.
Sebastian's hip was responding well to the antibiotics, the swelling was almost gone. Then he finished the antibiotics a couple days ago and yesterday I noticed that the area was starting to swell again. Last night he started licking his hip and wouldn't stop. I took a look at it and it was very swollen and red and angry looking. I put a cone on him to keep him from licking and sprayed the area with a steroid spray to help with the itching. He spent the evening glaring at me.
This morning when we checked it, it looked really bad, so we put him in the car and went to visit Dr B.  The doctor said the infection was still active and we'd have to do another course of antibiotics. Then he applied a little pressure to the area and it erupted with nasty looking stuff that resembled cottage cheese. The doctor seemed pleased and said that made it much easier to diagnose. It seems that Sebastian has a sebaceous cyst and after a few days on antibiotics to calm it, we'll have it removed. That should take care of the problem. We scheduled his surgery for next Tuesday.

Yes, that's two dogs in cones at the same time. Try that sometime, it makes life exciting. So this year my gift will be a group of healthy dogs. I'll settle for that.


  1. Poor babies... I hope everyone is better and CONE FREE soon! :)

  2. We wish you that and much, much more.

    At least your good boys behave in soft cones. Mugsy would punish us for putting him in the "hat" by ramming into our bare legs, Fred, fine furniture... it wasn't accidental. It was punitive.

    We're still crossing paws for Fudge, Sebastian and the health and calm that seems to be eluding your pack.

  3. Oh Sue, I do wish healthy happy stress free doggies for Christmas! (Maybe a good bottle of wine with it, eh?) You SO deserve that.
    Fudge's eye does look tons better.
    Sebastian sure doesn't look happy in that cone!
    I'll keep my paws crossed for everyone! {{hugs}}


  4. That's a pretty good gift. I hope it works out!

  5. Healthy dogs sounds like a perfect Christmas present. And maybe more than 2 hours of sleep at a stretch would be good, too?

  6. Happy, healthy dogs is top of the list here, too.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  7. Growing up I only wanted horses and dogs. Anything after that was kind of a bonus, but I was happy with anything.

    It sounds like your pups are doing better. We will keep Fudge and Sebastian in our prayers.


  8. Aww. Please, may that happen for you.

  9. Sue, I think that is a gift we would all love to receive, but it is my deepest wish that you receive it and wouldn't it be wonderful if Santa came early this year?

    Hugs, Kathie

  10. We still have our paws crossed for every buddy
    Benny & Lily


  11. Fudge looks 'way better and I am so glad. Cysts are no big deal usually so I am glad Sebastian gets his removed next week. Then we will just arrange for all these pups to stay healthy (through your friend and mine, Jolly Old St. Nick). I am asking for the same thing for my pets and adding me for good measure.

    Cheers and hugs,


  12. What a wonderful Christmas pressie this would be. We hope Santa delivers it early!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  13. I hope you get your wish. You deserve it (and so do your dogs).

    I used to do the same thing with the Sears catalog.

    Mango Momma

  14. Oh yes, healthy dogs would be very good indeed. Hang in there. How are you doing? g

  15. We sure are wishing you a cone free time!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  16. Yikes! Well, at least the prognosis for both boys sounds good. Are the others leaving the Coned ones alone? We'll be keeping our paws crossed for both of them and thinking of Sebastian on Tuesday. We sure hope you get your Christmas wish.

    We'll check out the two websites you suggested. We're not familiar with either of them, but they sound like good causes.

  17. We hope Sebastian's surgery goes well today and permanently solves his problem! Glad to hear (and see) that Fudge's eye is so much better. Tell the dogs it's time for a long stretch of healthy! :-)

    Susan and Wrigs

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