Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Voting Day

Hi Everybody, Fudge here with an important message.
Mom jumped out of bed this morning , OK she actually groaned and stumbled out of bed, and told us all that today is voting day here in the USA.
She says that not only is voting a right of all citizens, but it's a responsibility. She's big on this personal responsibility stuff.
She dressed in red, white and blue and told us that she and Dad are going to leave us here while they go to vote. She says everyone needs to take time today to vote. She's be really really happy if you all voted the same way she is, but even if you don't, you need to go vote.
My name isn't on the ballot in most places, or any places, but if you want to write me in, here's how to spell my name....Deerpark's Chocolate Legacy RN. It's probably Ok if you just write Fudge.
Remember, you don't have any right to whine about the results if you don't take part in the voting. SO JUST GO DO IT!
Your pal, Fudge


  1. Your mom's right Fudge, and so are you! It's important to vote. I'll be heading out to do the same just as soon as MIL gets to work...

  2. They have been and done, and we went to Frankies and voted Madi for Mayor!

    Good work Fudge!
    Susie & Bites

  3. Your Mom is one smart lady Fudge! Our Mom voted this morning...

    Zeus, Lola, Tut & Sophie

  4. How we wish we could vote for you, Fudge!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  5. Thanks for the reminder, Fudge! Sadly, I can't write you in because I voted by mail about 10 days ago. So important--wouldn't miss it for the world!

    Susan and Wrigs

  6. Momma voted in the human elections two weeks ago (she loves early voting!), and I voted in the Blogville elections this morning. So we've both done our duty!

  7. I wore a blue and white dress with red shoes to go vote, and took my husband and 2 adult kids (plus the underage non-voters) with me. I'm glad your Mom is a great voter, too!

    And I wrote you in for my state legislator. I don't like the only guy on the ballot; heck, he was a sportscaster in his previous career, so he can't be that bright! You probably won't win, but if you do, you can bunk at our hose when you need to be nearby.
