Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Wonderful Early Christmas Gift

With all the sickness we've been thru lately and all the unhappy vet visits we've had to make, I was quite apprehensive about taking Morgan in for her six month checkup. Morgan is thirteen years old and has understandably slowed down a lot over the last couple years. We also know that she has liver disease and arthritis in her hips and legs, so when time came around last month for her to visit Dr B, I let it slide. But Tuesday Sebastian was due to have his stitches out, so we planned to take Morgan along and get her checked out.
First Sebastian stretched out on the floor, so Dr B and nurse Sara got down on the floor to remove the stitches. Dr B was very happy about the incision. He said the area feels nice and soft and he's sure he got all the cyst plus some of the scar tissue. He also said the scar tissue was confined to the muscle and tissue and didn't get into the joints so we won't have to worry about arthritic changes as he ages. That is excellent news. Sebastian had to wear his cone for one more night, but I removed it the next morning at breakfast and he's very pleased to be able to curl into a ball to snooze.
Then it was Morgan's turn. To say that I was anxious is a real understatement. Dr B put Morgan on the exam table and talked to her for a couple minutes. Then he listened to her heart and told me that her heart sounds like a young puppy, nice and slow and steady with no murmur or other sounds. Her lungs sounded clear and her eyes had not gotten any worse since last spring. He said her weight was perfect which came as a real surprise because she had been gaining during the early summer and I've been trying to get her back in shape. I had taken a urine sample in and it was also perfect. Then he drew blood to be sent out to the lab. We discussed what to expect. We knew her liver values would be high but we hoped they at least would hold steady and not continue to climb. We left feeling encouraged and waited for the phone call the next day.
The phone call came and we were all thrilled. Morgan's liver enzymes were all normal except for one. Normal range for alk phosphatase is 10-150. Last spring Morgan's was out of sight at 3202, but now it's down to 1874. It's still high, but it's come way down and is continuing to drop and all the others are normal. Dr B says Morgan must be part cat with nine lives. Back when she was three years old, she almost died of liver failure and she's had problems ever since, but she's in great shape for a grumpy old lady dog. And we're all happy to have her around for awhile.


  1. Woohoo! That sounds like the pawfect early Christmas pressie!

  2. So Happy everyone is doing well, for a nice change, keep it up guys!

    Your Pals
    Susie & Bites

  3. Good Girl, Morgan!! Great news, and Sebastian, I got my stiches out, too! We are two handsome guys again!!

    -Bart (and Ruby, too)

  4. What a wonderful Christmas gift! So glad to hear that Miss Morgan is doing well. And yes - those grumpy old girls rule, dont' they??


  5. Sounds like Christmas came early to your house. What great news.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. Cheers for Morgan and being a healthy teenager! Hooray too for Sebastian and his gone away cyst!

    We hope these two lead the pack into a healthy, happy time. I just couldn't be happier to read this post!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  7. What great news! Can understand why you are sooo happy. =)

    Wuff, Rocky

  8. What awesome news to wake up to! Nice going, Morgan and Sebastian!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  9. Oh that is great news! Congrats to you, Morgan and Sebastian on all the happy healing and good results!

  10. YAY for both babies... and super YAY for the lower liver levels!

  11. Great news for both of them, and richly deserved by the PWD household!

  12. Mazel tov to both of you! Jed is full of fellow feeling for Sebastian, being as he still lives in the Cone when mama has to go out. And Miss Morgan, way to go!

  13. Wonderful news!!

    All of us at ruled by paws hope 2013 brings even more good news for you all :)

    Brooke, Cessna, Aspen, Canyon & Rogue

  14. Morgan must be part cat with nine lives.
    You always make me laugh and cry and feel sad and grateful and happy. This post is no excpetion. Love ya all.

  15. Morgan, you go girl! We're so happy you got some good news!

    Susan and Wrigs

  16. That is just grand! Two pups feelin better! Yay! :D

    Merry Christmas to all of you!

    Waggin at ya,
