Wednesday, December 26, 2012

POTP Needed ... Again

Last week Miss Morgan had a super checkup and labs. The doctor did find a bump on her back leg that worried him a little and she has several cysts that she's had for a while. The largest cyst is on her back and it fills up, then spurts sticky goo all over her fur. Then it's quiet for a little while, then it erupts again. The eruptions have been getting more frequent in the past year.
We decided that because of her advanced age and her current good health, this was the time to have the messy cyst and the mystery leg lump removed. She went in this morning and I told him to use his discretion on removing the other smaller cysts. When we went to get her, Dr B had removed all five cysts and the leg lump, using local anesthesia. He was pleased with how well it worked on her and said that if we need to do anything in the future, even at her age, this is a safe way to proceed.
Unfortunately, Morgan looks like a patchwork dog now, with large shaved areas all over. This is the one on her head.
She has four on her back.

And this is her leg incision. She needs to be kept quiet so she doesn't tear any stitches, but Morgan isn't very active any more. Mainly we need to keep her away from the stairs. One of us will stay near her to make sure she follows doctor's orders.
We don't anticipate any problems with recovery and soon she should be feeling better and lump free.

We do need some extra Power Of The Paw for Fudge and Noah, however. For almost two weeks we've been fighting an intestinal problem with diarrhea and weight loss. Yes, this sounds much too familiar and though we're hoping this is a colitis problem, we haven't completely ruled out another round of Cryptosperidium, the same bacteria that killed Samba and Sky. The symptoms are similar, but different enough that we have our hopes up that this is not the same illness. Again, we're working closely with our vet and the  vets at the university to try and stay on top of the illness. Please keep your paws crossed that this is not Crypto and that my two boys can recover.


  1. Oh man, not again. Sending labralove and momma vibes and lots of big hugs.

    Mango Momma and Pea

  2. Sending you LOTS of prayers, love and hugs.


  3. Paws crossed for you, Morgan, Noah and Fudge!

    Sam and Pippen

  4. Oh goodness... Sissy will sling drool, Gretchen will cross her paws, and I'll send hugs and good thoughts to all of you.

  5. Morgan, I'm asking for a local next time. I've had 6 lumpiness removed in the last couple of months! Being lump-free keeps us looking fabulous as we age, right? And boys, knock off the sickies! You're wearing your humans out!

    Bart and Ruby, too

  6. Oh.My.Dog.
    Well, you ALMOST made it through the holidays without anythings goin' wrong! You know I'm keepin' my paws crossed for you guys!!!
    Sending you lots of AireZens, and healin' vibes....


  7. Oh no! We have our paws crossed as tight as can be. Feel better soon!

  8. Oh no...not again! You have had much more than your share this year.

    We'll be crossing all our paws and sending good vibes and extra prayers.

  9. Poor baby. Sending good wishes
    Benny & Lily

  10. We have the power of the paw and healing purrs going for Morgan, Fudge and Noah. We hopes they are ALL, well soon.

  11. Oh Sue, Sending out all the good vibes I can muster. Keep me posted, I do hope your boys are okay. g

  12. Well, darnit, this is just too much! We have a bunch of paws here and we will put them all to work for Fudge, Noah, and Morgan.

    We are sorry for this kind of stuff to start up again and we will be thinking of you and making prays for you.

    Stella, Zkhat and Jo

  13. Oh no - this can't be happening again! Lots of AireZen is heading your way!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  14. Oh no.. We send you our healing prayers and we got all the Piappies paws crossed for you. Please be well, Morgan, Fudge and Noah.


    Piappies - Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Max, Wai-Pai & Forgie

  15. I think Morgan and Lola are sporting the same patchwork look lately...

    We're sending lots of crossed paws and good vibes for the boys... such a scary thing. I wish we lived nearby, we could really lean on each other at this time. :/

  16. OH NO, tell us it ain't so, we are going into crossed paw mode again for them. Tell Morgan we give lots of hugs and kissies, that fur will grow back, happy that it worked for her!

    Your Worried Pals Again
    Susie & Bites

  17. All fingers, toes, and paws crossed.

  18. OMD we are so sorry to hear troubles again... We are keeping paws and toes and fingers crossed AND good thoughts and prayers for all.
    Hugs to all
    Ernie,Sasha,Chica,Lucas,Rosie and mom Barb

  19. No, darn it, no no no!!! So very sorry to hear all this news. We will all cross our paws - hoping it is just a brief virus.

    Woos - The OP Pack and Mom

  20. I hope Morgan heals quickly and that the leg lump your vet was concerned about turns out to be benign! Will be keeping fingers and paws crossed here for Noah and Fudge as well! Hope your vet has proceeded with testing for the cryptosporidium parasite. So sorry you and the pups are going through all this.

    Susan and Wrigs

  21. My good wishes to both of them, I too know how worrying it is to have a furry friend who is ill, Kaara is currently receiving treatment for T Cell lymphoma, it is not a pleasant illness i understand, but she has been receiving treatment at the Liverpool University Vetinary Hospital, United Kingdom since June this year and is currently in full remission we can only keep our fingers and paws crossed. Good wishes to you all. Sue, Kevin and Kaara xxx

  22. Blimey Mates, we have paws crossed 2013 is going to be a GREAT year for you all. Wishing you good health and happiness in 2013. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  23. Hope they are all well for the new year!

  24. Mama shut up the computer for Christmas so we just read about this new round of troubles. We cannot believe it! Hope all of Morgan's biopsies were negative and that she's recovering well. As for the boys... we're keeping our paws crossed as tight as we can for their speedy and complete recovery. Here's to a much better, much healthier 2013 for all of us!
