Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bird Dogs In Training

We have a clarification to make. After a conversation with the previous owner, we know that the father of Syd and Kenzie is a Brittany Spaniel and their mom is a Springer Spaniel/ Beagle mix. So they're 3/4 bird dogs.
Rob stopped by the pet supply store and found some heavy duty chew toys to give our hands some relief from the piranha teeth. He picked up a little ball and a tiny tire and some other hard rubber toys, but my favorite was this little bitty wubba.

I gave it a couple squeaks and tossed it a few feet away. Then I told the pups to get the bird and Syd grabbed the bird and settled down to play.
But Kenzie wanted the bird, too.
A great game of tug ensued. I wish I had recorded the sound effects. They sounded like the were going to tear the bird and each other apart.

Finally Kenzie got control of the bird and she wasn't going to stick around and risk losing it again.
I've given my caged birds a warning to stick close to home because we  now have vicious bird dogs in the house.


  1. How are you standing it? They are so darn cute! Part Brittany and springer? They are going to be so precious full grown. g

  2. OMD! That is SOOOOO cute! Oh, I feel sorry for the birdies!! BOL

  3. we want to kiss those faces
    Benny & Lily

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwww - Syd and Kenzie are so adorable playing with wubba!
    We know all about those puppy nippers, don't we, Molly!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  5. When Bart and Gizmo were puppies, they would make what we called the "wolverine" sound when they played. That's when we knew it was time to shut down the game. Your girls are SO cute!!

  6. Congrats on your new cutie girls. Puppies are a breath of fresh air and an endless source of amusement. That said I'm SO glad my girls are past (most) of their puppy shenanigans. What an experience that was. Thankfully once the girls get their immunities in place they will have allot of older sibs to help keep them busy and that glorious big yard to play in.

    Have FUN!

  7. Holly has a purple wubba like that one...but a lot bigger. It's her favorite.

    Since you have bird dogs...if you have a chance read this.

    My kids read it last year...and I happened to pick it up too. It's a great "feel good" book. And since it's a 2nd grade reading's a quick read.

  8. Wubbas are one of Gg's favorites. She's had many, and literally wears them out (okay, they sometimes get left outside and the weather works on them too). Her current favorite is an orange one with reflective strips on the ... wings?

    I can smell the puppy breath from here!

  9. Black and white is a big favorite color combo of mine so these two little guys are more than appealing to me. They will be a picnic all by themselves.


  10. There's nothing like a good 'ole game of puppy tug!
