Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cuteness Overload

When we were at the vet's office this week, the techs told us about some orphan puppies that they're caring for. When we went back the next day with Sebastian, Rob took some photos.
Aren't these about the cutest little beings you've ever seen?
They're just three weeks old now and eyes are wide open and they're moving around.
The techs have been taking turns bottle feeding them since birth. When we picked them up they began sucking on our fingers.
They are Schnauzer and Yorkie mixes and there are two girls and a boy. The boy is spoken for, but the little girls are available for adoption.


  1. Precious!!!
    Happy Valentine's Day
    Benny & Lily

  2. Way too cute for me! I think you should have a couple though!

    What ever happened about Sebastian's sore on his hip? Is it staying closed up?

    Big hugs to all the pups at Norma Jean's house!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  3. Oh they are super cute. And as much as I'd love a puppy - I'm a big dog girl :) I do hope they find good homes - hopefully not with the PWDfamily. g

  4. Oh they are adorable. Keep on saying to yourselves, no more puppies, no more puppies. It might work or maybe it wont hehe. Here's hoping they find loving forever homes. No worries, and love, Carol and Stella and Rory

  5. Just gorgeous. We don't think those girls will have to wait too long for homes.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  6. awwwwwwww - they're just adorable! We hope the girls find loving forever homes too!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  7. Oh sweeties! It would be hard to say no.


  8. They are REALLY cute. If my stepmom hadn't finally adopted another yorkie last month, I might have inquired, but...

  9. I adore puppies, all puppies, I need restraining as I want to take them all home. Are you thinking of it too?

  10. They're so little! And just too adorable for words! And how is our friend Sebastian doing?

  11. Oh, what's one or two more! ;-) They are totally precious.

    Susan and Wrigs

  12. Do you think they can be sent through the post :-) AH, bless those little paws... Luvs Freya Rose Blossom :-) X

  13. They are precious. We're so sorry they lost their mom. We're sure she's looking down from the Bridge with gratitude that her babies are being so well cared for and loved. Hope the little girls have homes by the time they're old enough to leave the vet's.

  14. Squeeeeee! So Cute! Any chance you'll be adding more girls to your pack?


    Stop on by for a visit
