Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fudge's Furry Tales - Goldenrod and the Three Boars

Welcome back everybody. Are you ready for another bedtime story? This one is called Goldenrod and the Three Boars. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?

Once upon a time in a faraway place lived a girl named Goldenrod.

Goldenrod was a very active young lady with lots of interests. She liked to bicycle and swim.

She liked to skateboard and she also enjoyed breaking and entering.
And she like to play board games with her friends like Scribble and Monotony. My Mom and Dad like to play those games sometimes and they take forever. Sometimes if they're playing Monotony, Mom is even late to feed us dogs our dinner. I have to bark and spin to get her attention.

Anyway, One day Goldenrod was skateboarding in the woods, and that's not easy. She was getting kind of tired and thirsty, so she stopped to see if there was anyplace to rest.

It was a pretty neat neighborhood with lots of houses. There was a big pile of straw that had been a house till the big bad wolf huffed and puffed at it and it fell down. She walked by that.
There was a house made of sticks, but she'd heard about an unfortunate incident there concerning  a boy and his Grammy. So she hurried by that house.

 There was a house that looked very wonderful to her, all made of yummy gingerbread, but that was the home of Handles and Gridle. She knew them from school and knew their Mom was pretty mean.

The next house she came to was made of brick and looked like the perfect spot to rest and have a drink.
Goldenrod walked up the steps and knocked at the door. Nobody answered, so she looked in the window. She didn't see anybody but the place looked very neat so she tried the doorknob and the door opened up. She walked in and had a drink of water. Then she looked around. There was food on the counter so she thought she might as well have a snack. She reached for a bone, but it was so big she could hardly lift it.

 She reached for another bone but it was so small she finished it with one bite. Our Mom tries giving us those little tiny bones and they're way too little for a big dog like me.

She reached for the third bone and it was just the right size and she felt nice and full. 
She walked into the bedroom to rest and saw some neat collars on the dresser. She decided to try them on. The first one was really sharp. Get it?

The next collar she tried was too tight and she felt like she was choking and she had a small neck.

Then she saw this really beautiful collar covered with jewels and it fit her perfectly.
By now she was really tired so she thought she'd lie down for a minute and rest. The first bed she tried was way too big.

The next bed was so tiny that her legs stuck off the edge.

The third bed was the right size and really soft and comfy. She fell asleep right away.

She was really tired and slept longer than she expected to and she didn't hear the front door open. Suddenly she woke up and saw six eyes staring at her. They belonged to the owners of the house, Mr and Mrs Boar and their sweet baby boar.
She jumped up and started running toward the front door, but Mrs Boar stepped on the end of the leash attached to her collar and Goldenrod flipped over backwards. Don't you hate when that happens? You see the open gate and make a run for it and Mom steps on the end of the leash. Anyway, the Boar family was really very nice and invited Goldenrod to stay for dinner and they scolded her for breaking in and told her how dangerous that could be for her. Our Mom tells us not to go with strangers or get in their cars because we might never get back home again. After dinner Mr Boar walked her home and everyone lived happily ever after except for the Hiding Dude and his Grammy. They were never seen again. The end.

Goodnight everybody. Your pal, Fudge


  1. Fudge, don't know that we ever heard of Goldenrod, however we did see Goldeneye with James Bond the other night, oh wait different story. At least this one won't give me nightmares, thanks much, it made me!

    The Mad Scots

  2. Oh Fudge! We think you and your mom should get your dog-bedtime stories published. These are awesome.

  3. BOL - you are just too funny, Fudge. You know - we just LOVE it.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  4. Bwahaahaa! Another great fractured fairytale.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  5. Not only do we like the story but the pictures rock! BOL
    Benny & Lily

  6. THE END ??
    WHY IS IT THE END... another story another story....
    Luvs Freya Rose Blossom X

  7. More stories! Put them on a CD so I can take them to bed with me and hear them.

    I just love stories. Sometimes my Mom reads from her book to me, but it puts me to sleep pretty fast.

    I like the exciting stuff in your stories, Fudge!


  8. I'm going to start telling Zeus these stories! :)

  9. Fudge, very cool story dude!
    And, you know whats? I love the pic of the boars! So fugly, they're cute!!

  10. Ah, Hiding Dude is still out there, giving lessons to little girls who try the B&E routine. Does Goldenrod need the number of a good lawyer?

  11. Fudge! You are a great story teller!! BOL! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  12. Fudge, you're on a roll! That story sounds a bit far-fetched to us, but Wrigs liked all the bones.

    Susan and Wrigs
