Sunday, April 14, 2013

It's Contageous

Spring came finally. Actually it feels more like summer, but we'll call it spring. See, the trees are starting to bloom.

Well, some of the trees are starting to bloom.
We have some little flowers in the yard, too.
Today is a sunny warm day and we all went outside to play for a while. For Sebastian that means a chance to roll.

Of course Mac had to do whatever her idol was doing.
Even Sydney had to give it a try.
What a group.

Norma Jean says to remember our big 1000th post giveaway. This is post # 998. To enter just leave a comment. All comments will be assigned a number and we'll have the big drawing in just a few days. You'll get a number for each comment till then. Everybody gets to enter, doesn't matter where you live.


  1. Barharhar, rolling in the grass, that's pawsome. Uhhhhhhhh get ready it ain't sprung quite yet, we gots lots of rain coming Wednesday, with freezing temps, and the nuts weatherman said MAYBE a little snow, (get a rope).

    Question, Fudge working on his next story?

    The Mad Scots

  2. Even Gretchen, normally too prim and proper to roll around, has been scratching her back and trying to get the winter coat out of there. Sissy would have a ball rolling around with those three though!

    (And we went straight to summer too. Dang.)

  3. We love rolling too! It's even better if there's something stinky to roll in!

    Sam and Pippen

  4. How funny, those pups rolling. I, Daisy, love to roll, but I didn't start until I was nearly 10! Bella rarely rolls and Roxy needs something stinky.

    But it's a great way to relish the glorious weather!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy


  5. You guys! That is beautiful stuff coming up and blooming! Glad that Sebastian is bringing Mac and Syd up right, even when there is snow on the ground its good to roll in it.

    Our weather? Ah, you don't wanna know!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  6. So you have a few happy rollers there - the grass is just so good for roaching.

    We didn't get much sun here today, just lots of very strong winds - almost knocked the Momster on her bottom:)

    And of course, it is going to be cold again midweek. Crazy Midwest weather.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. We love when flowers start blooming. Spring is in the air
    Benny & Lily

  8. It all makes for a great weekend, doesn't it?

  9. Thanks for the reminder Norma Jean I'll tell my mom to comment, comment, comment. Fudge and I have been chatting via email - I suppose that doesn't count, hem. Anyway - I just wanted to let Fudge know that the rain stopped and my took me for a walk. :) Your Pal, Beau

  10. Oh, that is some major league ROACHIN' goin' on at your estate!!
    I'll be right over for the funs!!

  11. That's a lot of rolling going on! Everyone's back must feel great from all of the scratching that it's getting!

    Love ya lots,
    Mitch and Molly

  12. We had lots of sunshine and warmer temps this weekend. Spring is definitely right around the corner!

    1000 posts is HUGE! Wow!

    Your pal, Pip

  13. Boy, I feel like rolling in the grass now!! That looks like FUN!

  14. It's great that you have buds and actual flowers! You're ahead of us.

    Glad to see Sebastian is able to indulge in one of his favorite activities, and that his little friends are learning well from him.

  15. Sure looks like a group of happy, well loved pups! :)

  16. There's nothing like a good roll in the sunshine--preferably in dead grass and debris that sticks to your fur! Spring is well underway here. It'll be broiling hot summertime before we know it.

    Susan and Wrigs

  17. Don't you love when long haired dogs roll in grass!

  18. We are still waiting for our cherry tree to blossom - but the kids pup & I have all been enjoying rolling around outside!
