Tuesday, May 21, 2013

High Anxiety

When we walked outside yesterday morning we could feel that something bad was coming. Although it was windy, the air was very heavy and there was a stillness around us. The birds were quieter than usual and the sky was dark. There were storm warnings on Sunday night and we were under a tornado watch from early yesterday  morning till 10 PM. The dogs were antsy. Morgan spent most of the day hidden in her toy pile and Sebastian vomited from nervousness. We all hunkered down in front of the TV feeling helpless. We had strong thunder storms, but nothing more.
As everyone is aware by now, Moore Oklahoma got hit during the afternoon. It was a very strong storm and did tremendous damage. Our hearts go out to the people in that area.
As a Central New Yorker, the weather problems that I grew up with were lake effect snows. Syracuse is the snowiest metropolitan region of the country averaging 114.6 inches of snow every winter. That much snow can be hazardous if you have to go out in it, especially driving, but mainly it's an annoyance. Walking a small dog in snow over it's head can be a challenge and putting on all those clothes every time you want to step outside is tiresome, but generally you don't have to worry about your house and family blowing away with barely a moment's notice.
I've made no secret of the fact that I don't like this area of the country. The weather is one reason for that. I truly don't understand the thought process of someone who has just lost their home and all their possessions and possibly a loved one too, rebuilding in the exact same spot.  Moore, Oklahoma apparently has been hit by tornadoes four times in the last twenty years, yet I heard people talking of rebuilding there yet again. Can anyone explain that to me?
 I'm not heartless, I feel terrible for the people who were involved yesterday and on Sunday. I wish them only the best. But here again today the sky is dark and the air is heavy. I had to stop writing this post to take the pups outside and the wind has picked up and it's starting to rain. This will probably be another day spent watching weather reports on TV and planning ahead for moving everyone to the basement if necessary.


  1. It's hard to imagine why people in flood plains would rebuild on that spot,as do people in mudslide areas, forest fire zones and hurricane alleys. It must be a kinship to the land.

  2. I've never lived in an area where weather comes out of nowhere and destroys everything. I feel terrible for the people in Moore, as does everyone: it's heartwrenching to see families torn asunder. But, like you, I don't understand staying in such a place. Better to take the insurance settlement, sell the land and go elsewhere if it's in any way possible, in my opinion only.

    Hope the weather leaves you and the pack alone today.

  3. It is absolutely tragic and heartbreaking... the people and animals lost. :(

    I'll take a good 'ole nor easter and being snowed in for days over this anytime...

  4. I grew up on the west coast of Canada and have experienced earthquakes, the far north of Canada and experienced extreme cold temperatures (-53 C or -63 F), and in the prairies of Canada where they get tornado's and now in an area where we occasionally get forest fires. I would pick earthquakes, cold or fires any day of the week. Tornado's scare the crap out of me.

    I will be thinking of you and hoping that you and your dogs stay safe. Take care.

  5. We've been watching the News. We can't believe people rebuild, but I suppose it's that 'won't happen again' attitude.

    Can't imagine losing everything...just so sad.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    We'll stay with our droughts.

  6. Mom is saying bring back the winter, even though she hates the cold and snow. She has been on pins and needles all day because our human brother who lives in California is on work assignment in the Fort Worth area for several months - they were under the gun earlier today, but thankfully the storms passed by.

    We are just shocked by the devastation in OK, hard to even fathom so much pain.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  7. My thoughts are with the people and animals in Moore - so tragic.

    I hope you stay safe and cuddle all those important to you while the weather is bad.

  8. Sorry to hear you and the pups have been stressed out by the storms. We're glad you have a basement where you can take cover, and that you've only had thunderstorms--no tornadoes--so far.

    It would be difficult to find a place to live that isn't susceptible to some form of natural disaster. But, you're right--it seems crazy to rebuild in places that are hit repeatedly. I hope communities like Moore will at least revamp their building codes and make sure safety is better addressed in new construction--especially in public buildings like schools.

    I grew up in the Midwest and remember tornado sirens and heading down to the basement at least once or twice a year. My grandparents had a tornado touch down on their farm in Wisconsin (fortunately, fairly minimal damage). A large tornado wiped out an entire subdivision about 10 miles from our home in Illinois. There's no way to predict when or where these storms will strike (other than shortly before they actually do).

    Arizona seldom has tornadoes (and they're usually small), but our big worry is wildfires.

    Hope you're having a better day today!

    Susan and Wrigs

  9. Well, here in sunny California, all we have to deal with is earthquakes...oh, and mudslides..and wildfires..and drought..and el nino..and tsunami's..and the occassional twister. Not much. BOL!!!!
    Okays, so these only happen occassionally, butts yeah, if they happened often, I don't know if I would. Then again, you get to remodel often!

  10. One thing that might be an answer to Moore, OK people staying is that Brian Williams said there are almost all state and federal jobs in that area. To leave a good job and family would be hard for some unknown area with unknown jobs.

    I was thinking of our lack of anything as horrible as OK has. We can get the tornado now and then but they seldom sit down where I am. High winds and lightning. But we mostly don't have to fear for our lives.

    My heart goes out to those folks who suffered this tornado. And to the parents who lost 7 little grade schoolers.


  11. Mother Nature is a ruthless B*tch. I'm with you - I can't understand rebuilding in the same place. Although I believe it's a lot like - why do you cook a bone in ham, because that's how my mother did it. Essentially, because it's the only thing you know.

    Prayers are going out to Moore, OK and to everyone else. It's difficult. Hope you are all safe and sound. g

  12. I totally agree with you Sue. I do not understand it either. I watched an interview with a 94 year old woman who had lost everything in the tornado in 1999 and AGAIN yesterday because she rebuilt in the same spot. She said she will do so again. I just don't understand it. I live in Upstate NY...about an hour from Syracuse...do NOT like the snow and cold, but tornadoes really do scare the crap out of me. There is nothing one can do!! Actually Syracuse was under a tornado warning earlier this evening. It seems they are getting to be more frequent everywhere. I sure hope y'all are safe and I am very glad to hear that you have a basement!! LadyBug spent much of the day in the basement or on the floor in my car in the garage. She is just terrified of the thunder & lightning!!. Stay safe!! xo Jeanne

  13. OMG that is so scary- hope you are all safe. thinking of everyone in Oklahoma.

  14. I think as someone said it's a kinship to the land. I can't imagine living anywhere else...but if I lived through three or four tornadoes in the exact same spot I might re-think that! The super cell tornadoes that have been plowing through areas the last few years have been all over the map-literally--down south, in the east etc etc.

    It was a stressful evening here as well. Living in the country we don't have the sirens and unfortunately I have no basement either. So it's an inner room of the house. I put the dogs collars and tags on and the cats too if I can find them before they 'go to ground' as several of them are terrified of storms. Here is to hoping this terrifying season will be soon past.

    Take care,

  15. That is so scary. Mom said we would never live in a place like that. So so terrifying
    Benny & Lily

  16. It's so sad.

    Nubbin wiggles,

  17. I don't understand either, but having been in NoLA since Katrina, I know that it is important for "enough" people to feel home is RIGHT THERE and be willing to rebuild.

    Tornadoes scare me. I've done hurricanes and every variety of winter storms, but those are fairly predictable. I like being at home with the dogs during bad weather. In years past, the Knight and I were both often at our respective firehouses, but that's one reason I retired; so the dogs always had one of their people present. Now we're both retired, but I do wonder if he'll be able to stay with us when disaster seems likely.
