Thursday, June 20, 2013

Rough Week?

Has it been a long week? Are you feeling frazzled and there's still one day left till the weekend?
Do you need a laugh?
You can smile knowing he isn't yours.
This is my favorite. I think he's a Portie, though not one of mine. Wonder what he'll look like when he grows up.
Now back to work.


  1. Thanks for the giggles, Ohhhhhh what a mustache!

    The Mad Scots

  2. Now you've made her want a puppy!!!

    Love that moustache!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  3. Love the Portie mustache!

    Love ya lots♥
    Mitch and Molly

  4. Oh my, this post really did make me laugh! Thanks! It's raining, so yep, my day could use some brightening up!

  5. A tough week indeed. But these pics sure made us smile and giggle. Between Thunder's issues, Mom's back problems, and one of our human sister's separated shoulder, it has been quite rough here too. Thanks for the chuckles.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. I guess I'm glad my "mud puppy" is black. It doesn't look quite as bad on Poppy even though she still gets just as muddy as that little lab.

    Thanks for the smiles,

  7. OMD! That furst one is sooooo cute! It remind Ma of her OES.
    Butts, that mustache is the funniest!! BOL

  8. You are all very good for a big laugh, which when it comes on Thursday is just the best!

    Cheers and hugs all around,

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  9. Love the first one! And how super cute are those teensy paws on the little guy with the moustache!

  10. Lots of late nights watching playoff hockey!!

  11. Oooch, what a beauty puppies!

  12. OK, those are some adorable puppies. Mine hasn't been that small since he was about a week old.

    The last one will grow up to look like Clark Gable, of course, with that dashing mustache. I just hope it's a "he", and not a "she".

  13. That's a cutie. We have pictures of my sheltie sister and brother and they look like the little wee one in your photo. Maybe all doggies look the same when they're first born?
